EvasionRecommended Players: 2-3 Recommended Gametypes: FFA, FFA Oddball As a break from all of these Sandbox maps, I've been working on a map on Foundry. The entire layout is on the right spawn near the backrooms, most of the base consists of upside down boxes interlocked neatly together. There is a lot of interlocking and geomerging, not just for looks, but to enhance the flow of the game. The backrooms are accesible, yet still not a major camping spot. Throughout the map are potholes and escape routes to improve the overall circulation and to give you more cover, and more places for the oddball guy to run and hide to make it more fun. By far the best game on this is straight up slayer. I've spent alot of time on this map, as well as this post (had to do it twice). So please don't criticize it, unless you are giving me help on what I should do to make this map better.Weapon and Equipment List Regenerator x1 Bubble Shield x1 AR x2 BR x2 Shotgun x1 (one clip) Mauler x1 SMGx4 Grenade x6 Spike Grenades x 4 Screenshots 1st Overview 2nd Overview 3rd Overview/Tunnel Last Overview Action Shots (Slayer) Suppressing Fire!! This'll work Miss! Battle in the Mauler Tunnel! Action Screenshots (Oddball) The Race! Who will win? I spawned on the invisible Box Hiding in shotty room Thanks for taking the time to look at my map and I hope you download it and have fun with it. Feedback would be nice and a download would be nicer=) Thanks to Fatal Pho3nixXx For testing Download Here
wow nice map its really smooth looking i like the pit in the middle its a kool drop down anyways 5/5 keep it up man
I forgot, but I suggest only 2-3 players and this map only supports FFA and FFA oddball. And thanks for the comment^^^^^ and in pic 1 there is an invisible fence box that makes the blended powerups impossible to get
looks good, It looks a bit small, but the occasional 1v1 wont hurt. Also it might be a little bumpy, But it looks pretty good by the pictures. I like the Fence Box to Stairs, it looks good. Nice job 3.5/5