Evac Now!

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Adelyss, Feb 18, 2009.

  1. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    Evac Now!
    Created by: Adelyss

    This is my first attempt at a real zombie map, the map is basically a good old run around find a good stop to hold out and kill as many zombies as you can before they overwhelm you...though if you read the story you can really get into the game ;). Basically the weapons you want to try and hold are 1. BR 2. Magnum 3. Rocket Launch because these are all one hit kills if hit in the head except rocket. The other weapons take a few shots but always aiming at the head will grant you a kill faster. The zombies start in a hallway that they grab a custom power up in that slows them down for 15 seconds so the humans have time to run around first..after this they then choose the teleporter to go through to attack the humans or soldiers...yeah thats about it read the story for epicness and to get a feeling on why I made this map.

    Download Evac Now!
    Download Ambush


    Its friday night with only 48 hundred hours until you are allowed to fly back home to visit with your family and kids for a week. You are apart of the 1021st Search and destroy ground toops which make of the elite soldiers who take the most and daring missions. Your Captian Lewis Jack has one last mission for you before your leave though...

    Lewis Jack: "Now UNSC Soldiers, this mission I'm about to brief you on sould be a cake walk, what you are to do is to suit up and make your way towards an abandoned warehouse city which was deserted in the early war. Now since then the Covenant have took over the Facility and to our believes there is a special orb which holds powers we UNSC do not even know of which could to. Your mission is to go to the warehouse find the orb and retreive it without loosing any men, heh but that shouldn't be a problem should it men?"


    UNSC Soilders: "NO SIR NO!"
    Lewis Jack: "Now suit up and bring me that orb!, you have 24 hours to bring it back or we may have to go look for you."

    You and the other members of the Elite Soldiers grab your gear and load up in the warthogs.

    Derek: "Lets do this!, shall we?"
    UNSC Soilders: "YeeeHaaa!"

    Traveling 23 Kilomiters you arrive at the desitination,

    Erik: "Uhh Derek we seem to have a problem"
    Derek: "What is it?"
    Erik: "The door seems to be jammed!"
    Derek: "Out of my way!"

    Derek soon pulls out his crowbar from the back of the warthog and then makes his way over to the jammed door. Putting the crowbar into the slight opening he motions other soldiers over to help him pry it open. After a few attemps the door moves.

    Derek: "Lets move it soldiers!"

    You and your other men drive the warthogs through the door, upon arriving you find yourself in a small room which contains two exits and some supply crates.


    Kevin: "By god this city looks almost as worn out as your moms bed Frank."
    Frank: "Oh very funny Kevin."
    Devon: "Shh did you hear that?"
    Derek: "Watch yourself soldiers I'm picking up some movement about 100 kilometers away."
    Frank: "I thought Lewis Jack said this should be a cake wa...?"
    Steffon: "Oh my god! Ahhgalajugla! Help! ahh there eating my legs gahhaaa"

    You find yourself staring blankly as your best friend just got dragged away by who knows what.

    Derek: "Move! Move! Move! lets find this F*cking orb and get the H*ll out of here!"

    Now this is where its time for you to finish the story! Though only you've been trapped inside the warehouse of doom with no way to get out until help arrives...which no one knows how long sit tight and wait it out while blasting the mutha f*cking brains out of the creatures you do not know of!



    5 Rounds
    8 Minutes Each


    SMG Start
    100% Health with normal shields
    50% Recharge Rate
    125% Damage
    Gravity 150%
    Speed 100%


    Sword Start (Alpha Zombie starts with Sword and Plasma Pistol)
    300% Health
    No Shields
    50% Damage
    90% Speed
    150% Gravity
    Enhanced Radar
    Poor camo

    Weapon List
    (Ammount and name, respawn time, number of clips)

    2x Assult Riffle, 120 seconds, 0 clips
    3x Battle Riffle, 150 seconds, 0 clips
    2x Sniper Riffle, Never, 0 clips- 1 clip (One with 0 clips and one with 1 clip)
    2x Shotgun, Never, 0 clips
    1x Rocket Launcher, Never, 0 clips
    1x Spartan Laser, Never
    4x SMG, 120 seconds, 0 clips
    3x Magnum, 60 seconds, 0 clips
    1x Plasma Pistol, 120 seconds

    3x Spike Grenade, 120 seconds

    1x Power Drain, Never (Doesn't do anything except hurt yourself if you throw it wrong)


    First Area you will come to after leaving the human spawn

    Looking down the street

    End of the street looking towards the street

    End of the street

    Back Ally

    Room Ally

    Side Room

    Bottom of the middle building

    Sagging roof or top of middle building

    Otherway of top middle building

    Zombie attack on the top middle building

    Back ally attack

    Holding out the side room by himself

    In font of the Middle building

    Defending the middle building

    If you missed the Download links here they are again
    Download Evac Now!
    Download Ambush
  2. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    I remember playing this game with you only a couple days ago, and it was very fun. All of the buildings were different and offered their own advantages and disadvantages, there weren't too many weapons, and the zombies weren't over(or under)powered, though they were rather easy to kill and had to use strategy and work together if they were to kill any humans. The Manifest-style ascetics on this map are great as well.

    There are a few mistakes in your story though. I will highlight the most important of them:

    Its friday night with only 48 hundred hours until you are allowed to fly back home to visit with your family and kids for a week. You are apart of the 1021st Search and destroy ground toops which make of the elite soldiers who take the most and daring missions. Your Captian Lewis Jack has one last mission for you before your leave though...

    Lewis Jack: "Now UNSC Soldiers, this mission I'm about to brief you on sould be a cake walk, what you are to do is to suit up and make your way towards an abandoned warehouse city which was deserted in the eary war. Now since then the Covenant had took over the Facility and to our believes there is a special ord which holds powers we UNSC do not even know of which could to. Your mission is to go to the warehouse find the orb and retreive it without loosing an men, heh but that shouldn't be a problem should it men?"...

    Your and your other men drive the warthogs threw the door, upon arriving you find yoruself in a small room which contains two exits and some supply crates.
  3. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    Heh sorry about those...I typed it up on Notepad late last night. Fixed

    Also thats what I was going for in the gametype...a zombie game that was balanced fun and not camppy and I do feel I covered all of those.
  4. zackj191

    zackj191 Ancient
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    Oh wow! THis looks good. At first I thought "eeww... some gay 10 year old map" but then I serious'd. No, but really. Very nice! Gonna DL and do a foregthrough and try to play a game tonight maybe. 5/5
  5. Supertrooper

    Supertrooper Ancient
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    It looks very good! The buildings on this map seem to be extremely well made. The map itself looks like the one of the best city type maps I have seen. Overall 4/5
  6. Blue Pariot

    Blue Pariot Ancient
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    I enjoyed your story but I found the "town in a warehouse" somewhat funny.

    This map is very well forged, though, and I can tell that you put some though into the design. I can't say that I love these type of "shoot and hide" infection maps, but I do occasionally have a want to play them. I will DL and, until something better comes along, this will probably stay on my list.

    One question, though. Does the "orb" have any special importance in this map?
  7. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
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    hey man I agree it is a very good map,but don't post comments and start to give it a 5/5 before you have even played it.So next time,just download it first
  8. Skanky Toast

    Skanky Toast Ancient
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    wow, Kevin: "By god this city looks almost as worn out as your moms bed Frank." lol, that made me laugh.. almost as much as the redneck joke: You may be a redneck if
    your idea of fast food is hitting a possum at 65 miles per hour on the highway
    aside from that, this map looks very well though out and built, and i like how the zombies still die from only one pistol headshot, instead from one shot ANYWHERE [no shields 10% resistance like in "zombie tank" AKA fat kid, but better sounding..] it looks like it would be a good map to play when you have a bunch of noobs that think they can survive anything without teamwork [learned from fatkid] Illl DL and possibly come back with a review... 4/5 great job man..

    Ps... interlocking is georgeous when paired with the dumpsters
  9. MichMaster32

    MichMaster32 Ancient
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    nice map. the forging is very well done, and the rooms are sweet. my favorite parts are the alleys. they look really nice. nice map and i hope to see more from you.
  10. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
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    I tested this a few times. Glad you changed the weapon set to SMG start, and gave the zombies more health. I also noticed that you took out that machine gun turret, I am just kind of wondering why? It didn't really make the humans more powerful.
  11. Reidypeedy

    Reidypeedy Ancient
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    this sounds awsome but honoslty i see no pictures even though other people say they are

    Edit: ok soryy the picks just wernt loading fast at all so i wasent seeing them... looks really awsome and crazy and neat and fun and using some great skillz so i dl and try it out
  12. Lemons Reloaded

    Lemons Reloaded Ancient
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    this looks like the next possible featured zombie map! the whole set up is amazing! the gametype is pretty interesting and seems well suited for this map, and the map itself is mind-blowing! excellent layout and quite aesthetically pleasing as well!
    5/5 this needs to be featured! :O
  13. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    No its just more of the back story of the map...the only thing the Power Drain does is hurt yourself because the Zombies don't have shields and you can't do team damage...so yeah lol.

    I took out the turret because people just camped with it plus you had to break it off to use it...
  14. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    this looks realllllllllllly good!
    I love the sagging roof :p
    But it looks like you put alot of merging time into this.
    It looks clean,
    and well balanced.
    even tho its a infection map :D
    looks like a bunddle of fun. lol
    I will DL,
    first map i have DL in like 3 weeks. hah

    But again, nice job!
  15. n00bsk00lbus309

    n00bsk00lbus309 Ancient
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    This was such a fun map to play, It's like manifest but less rigged for the humans(in my opinion) I wouldn't me surprised if this got as much or more publicity than manifest because this is way more balanced! 5/5
  16. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    I bet you bot inspired by Manifest. Almost everything here including the story, the layout and the game play feel all have a good similarity to it.

    One thing I really like though, is that your streets and roads are better than that of Manifest's. I can't wait to feel the excitement and the adrenaline when I play here. You did a good job on the map, the game, the post and the story.
  17. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    The only way I was inspired by Manifest was to make a zombie map. The story actually I never read manifests story so I may have just thought of something similar without intention. As for the game play...nothing like it at all Manifest is linear Evan Now! is a roam around zombie map that you find the best spot to hold out and kill as many as you can.

    Thanks for the comments guys I appreciate.
  18. Insane117

    Insane117 Ancient
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    This looks really good.nice interlocking and geomerging. looks like a fun infection map
  19. Painkiller

    Painkiller Ancient
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    Whoa... Is that... ME? Yeah it is! Haha nice last pic Adelyss, I remember playing with you in that game. Freakin' campers!
  20. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    i played this map and it is really awesome i loved it thogh i never got a "real" game on it i still loved the great asthetics and felt like i was in a town in a zombie apocalypse it was really good 5/5 great job on it

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