EUREKA Eureka is a very complex map almost everything on the map is geo-merged and interlocked, it has its weaks and goods. This is my first post so i hope everyone likes it my gamertag is Super jerk777 : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File EUREKA Created by Super Jerk777 Gametypes- Slayer
this is not up to forgehub standards please add some embeded screen shots of ur map before it gets closed
Anyone that says "no pics, not up to standards, mih mih mih" after me will get an infraction for spam. EDIT: Including me, for that matter. Just ignore this post now.
*Sigh* You didn't even do it right, all you did do was spam. You didn't provide a proper link to a thread that shows him how to make a good post, or how to post pics. I am here to provide you with 2 extremely helpful threads that have helped me post my maps. Link to make a well organized map post: Map Posting Template Link to a thread that will help you embed screenshots: xX5w33ny70ddXx's "How to embed screenshots thread"
Sorry Ak Gumby. Did it deliberately because I couldn't be bothered to deal with people that don't read the rules at the time. Also I couldn't be bothered with links. Mind you, seeing as you have ignored me, I will ignore you.
Newsflash: You're not a mod. You're not even a Loyal. Stop pretending you have authority to hand out infractions based upon your arrogant words. Personally, this board "can't be bothered to deal with people" that think they're better or more important than everyone else. Learn to respect people, mate. And if you can't be bothered with links (in other words, you've got more important things to do than help out newcomers, so you'll just be a butt instead), then this board can't be bothered with keeping you as a member.
There is actually another way of posting pictures. Upload photos V2! Courtesy of Fbu. The pictures come out a bit smaller though. But it's easier if you want to get your pictures up in a jiffy.