EUPHORIC A UFO has crossed into UNSC air space, it is up to your team to take controll of the air craft before it reaches our home planet and destroys all humanity as we know it. Will you rise to the occasion and save the world, or will you fall at the covenant's hand, DOWNLOAD now and find out!!! 2-8 players Team doubles/ Team slayer or Free for all (MADE FOR 2v2) I also have this map for Infection, but the spawns weren't working the way i wanted them to, so its saved on this. Make sure to download the game type for it as well. WEAPONS: 6x DMR 4x Plasma Grenade 2X Grenade launcher 1x Rocket launcher (2x Sword, but its just for looks. you cant get to them Carnage on the second floor (the sword room looks alot differnt now) You have to melee to get to the grenade launcher This looks cool, tells you what side your on, and pushes you to the side when taking the grav lift Blue Staircase Looking out the windows My hearts Sword room (replaced the weapon crates with grav lifts to make it feel more alien) That back wall is now covered in alein crates and plasma batterys looking in behind the one way door is my zombie hall Middle where rockets spawn ( blocked off the area under the stairs and make a anouther ramp leading to the 2nd floor) The hall (Human crates are bye bye) Loadout camera
Very nice like the alien ship style and the layout seems to work too. The one thing I'd suggest is replace the crates with the covenant type crates to fit in with the theme. Besides that seems pretty good you could maybe add another power weapon as well such as a focus rifle or replace the rocket launcher with fuel rod idk just trying to go with the UFO feeling.
Thank you!! I appreciate your input! I wanted to put the alien crates in to begin with, but the crates serve two purposes, 1. cover, 2. a way to jump to the next level, and the alien crates are two small to make that jump. For the weapons i was back and forth between human and covenant, but i decided i was going to submit this for doubles arena, and they dont use covenant does anyone know if they allow plasma grenades for doubles arena? i wasn't sure. Thanks agian for your constructive criticism!!
Thank you I do have this map for Infection, but its set up on anouther thread because the spawns weren't working the way i wanted them to, if you want to check it out here it is!! Thanks again
This map might be too small, but i could try it out!! If there's anyone who wants to help me play test this, send me a friend request!! GT= Zombified Panda
If you are shooting for doubles arena I don't think it is too small. 4 v 4 might be pushing it though. I'm pretty sure that plasma grenades are allowed in doubles arena. But yeah if you are shooting for arena then fuel rod cannon is out but I'm pretty both plasma launcher and focus rifle are allowed. Also, you could consider stacking/merging the covenant crates to have them fit right just because I think it would really help out the atmosphere but if you can't then you can't. The map is definitely cool though.
Very sweet looking map, good aesthetics, good forging and an overall alien feel. Definitely going to give this one a download to have a closer look.
I do love focus rifles!!! Ill swap out the rockets for a plasma launcher and a grenade launcher for forcus rifles and see how it play test, but as for the the crates, i tryed everything, the only way would be possible is if it was floating... which kinda gives me an idea. let me try some stuff out! Thanks for help guys, im glad you like it! [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thank you for your email's, i was trying to add some last minute detail in euphoric for bungie's forgetacular and forgot to update the new download link! i fixed it, and i added alot, ill add more pics after the contest is over, for now it's taking up my whole file share! Thanks again for your constructive criticism, i did my best to make it look and feel more "alien like"!! hope you guys like it!!