
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Sergant Gheradd, Dec 9, 2010.

  1. Sergant Gheradd

    Sergant Gheradd Forerunner

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    Hey everyone, Sergant Gheradd here with a new map. I got some inspiration from the map Leviathan made by PulseKiller, but the rest was my imagination at work. This is a medium map built in the Colosseum with about 2.5 (little platform is .5 lol) floors to play on. There is also a secret rocket spawn with a trick up it's selve. Try finding it lol :D. NOW FOR SOME PICTURES OH YA!!!!!








  2. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Is "eternity" intentionally spelled wrong?

    Anyway, I like the map. The last three pictures look especially interesting. But then there are pictures like the one with the mancannon, and the one above it that just look.. underdeveloped I suppose is a good word for it. I like having the spartan laser as a central power weapon. It's a good weapon with limited ammo, so it isn't powerrful for too long.
  3. zocho

    zocho Forerunner

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    Looks Good, Some nice aesthetics by the looks ill download and check it out!

    9-10 for Aesthetics i can see
    8-10 for weps only because i hate the hammer but it does look cool floating on that rock
    ?-10 for game-play, but i will try it out

    over all id give it a 8-10 just from waht ive seen, but by what ive seen i think the rating would go up to an 8.5 or more
  4. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I like the man-cannon because it allows quick access from multiple sides and no time consuming walking around to find the right side. Some of your aesthetic features are very nice as well, such as the chandelier and the column with the shields in it. Great map!
  5. Sergant Gheradd

    Sergant Gheradd Forerunner

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    Thanks for the replies everyone, but i just found out (a littile late) that i actually more then just slayer gamemodes but the map didnt save right and i lost all but the slayer gamemode when i uploaded it to my fileshare. you can still download if you want to but i will fix this problem soon. Thank you, Sergant Gheradd.

    Edited by merge:

    Yes it was intentionally spelled wrong since i had no plan of going into a argument with someone with "eternity" as there map name, and trsut me, i bet you there are some out there. i also think that it gives it its own, lets say, personallity lol.
    #5 Sergant Gheradd, Dec 11, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2010

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