For those who have seen or played my map, Interchange, the layout of this 2v2 map will seem very familiar. The map features the red and blue bases at the two ends and, as with Interchange, the main route through the map is an infinite loop with an overpass at the map’s center. The layout is scaled down nicely for two teams of two. There are ample opportunities for tactical gameplay and a nice mix of varied lines of sight. Due to the layout and structure, you’ll always be able to find cover and paths of retreat when necessary. Currently, the map is set up for the 2v2 Dustup gametype. Overall, I’m very happy with the layout, but would love to receive feedback on the weapons and powerups from those who play a lot of 2v2 games and are familiar with the 2v2 Dustup gametype. I believe Eternum would play with teams of 3 just fine and that in FFA the map would support 2-6 players well. I'm also pretty sure 4v4 or even 8 FFA players would get a little crazy, but if anyone happens to try more players on the map, let me know how it goes. Thanks for checking out this preview. The map is on my fileshare if you’d like to download it and experience it for yourself. Looking down Main Street from Blue Looking down Main Street from Red Bases (identical) Misc.
looks great! My only thought looking at the pics is "would this possibly look better on Ravine?" But I'm not advocating that you make the switch...
This looks pretty solid man, I could see this working great for the tourney. But why just a preview if it's done?
While I'm happy with the layout, I haven't received feedback regarding anything I may have missed yet. I sure someone will find something I can add or refine to improve it, particularly with the weapons. Plus, there's quite a bit of time between now and the 2v2 submission deadline. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I am considering trying it out on Ravine. It's not too complicated, so it shouldn't take to long to remake. The one reason I think it may not fit as well on Ravine is because of the city street feel I was going for and how that may not mesh well with Ravine's surroundings. If I have time though, I think I'll try it out and see if I'm pleasantly surprised.