I dont like purity, but the last one doesnt even look likes its from halo. Beautiful shot, very niice.
Do you get those effects by looking through frag grenade explosions? They seem to be working very well with you. I Like the second one better than the first, although they are both great. I really don't understand the first one that well.
Not a frag grenade, it is my own secret technique. Called Photoshop + Bungie Server Hacking... lol jk. No, it is not a frag grenade, it is a technique I have.
You don't have to be a boastful little ***** about it, Miraj. I take screenshots like this all the time, but I never brag about them and put down others because they lack the skill and techniques that are needed to produce these kinds of screenshots. As for the screenshots, the first one is decent. it seems like a more simplistic version of a shot by PaperThinWalls. The second one is ok, as well.
How is he bragging? He is proud of the technique he created for taking screenshots. He never put down anyone, and no you can't take screenshots like his all the time, doesn't work that way.