I'm not usually the artistic type, but I got a random bout of inspiration the other day for some typography/graffiti/whatever. I call it Escape. I thought the idea was cool because "in" is out and "out" is in. Shitty iPhone picture is shitty. Done entirely with Sharpie. CnC and stuff I guess.
You used a ruler or a cutout or something to do the straight edges, right? At first glance, I thought the "I" was an "O", maybe that's just me Otherwise, pretty impressed, looks professional.
Hm, really cool way of design. It look's new for my eyes, I dont think so. Good job with that, maybe you could try explore it, but in the Digital way. I think it'll be better, and Ps can support nice fonts.
Wow. I love the font, and the Idea of it. I'm a graffiti artist myself, and I really like the stencil-like design. Its really clean, like if you used tape to line it up and stuff. If this was big, I'd hang it on my wall.
Yeah, this could be a really great shirt design. I love the idea, Ace, and the execution is pretty solid as well.