THE FACILITY Created by Doclor Esh Supported Gametypes: Escape Map Description A secret facility, where human test subjects involuntarily partake in potentially dangerous tests. This is my first puzzle map, and I probably could've made it alot harder, but I think it's fun, and it was fun to make, so enjoy! _________________________________________________ Finish _________________________________________________ Like I said, this is my first puzzle map, please ltell me what you think, 'cause I'll probably be making more. Download MAP HERE Download GAMETYPE HERE
Woot, first post. Anyway this looks like a cool puzzle map, a little messy, but that soccer ball part looks pretty hard. Overall though looks like a fun puzzle. 3.9/5 EDIT: Great first post, noone had to tell you how to embed pics or anything
The sad part is that it has now become a commendable effort to read the rules and not spam up the board But anyway, great map. It just gave me inspiration for a map I was up to now stuck on You should add descriptions to certain pictures though to show how the map works
Glad I could help. And I wanted to add descriptions or hints, but I want people to figure it out for themselves, and I couldn't think of what to say, that wouldn't give it away, but would still be helpful, lol >.<
It is a good map and fun to play. It was a little challenging but i did find a couple ways to break it. If this is you first puzzle map than overall its pretty good.
Dude u should worry abut gmepaly mor than sthetics on a pzzle map. In overall, the idea here is to have smooth and working puzzles. The aesthetics are meaningless in this type of map. Overall these are meant for a bit of fun and perhaps some brainteasers. Have you actually downloaded the map and tried it out? Have you actually attempted to accumulate information and create a formed opinion and discussion of the map? This is what's important to a mapmaker, not 'thrs not nuff geomrging or inter locking on yur map dude'. Feedback is a seriously important part of mapmaking, you should take it a bit more seriously perhaps. As for myself I love puzzle shooters, ever since Half Life 1 and it's few puzzling portions. Then Half Life 2, then Portal. I started a puzzle map once but just couldn't go with it. PM me and I may have some tricks or puzzle ideas you didn't think of for a part 2? Cause I'm sure we'd all love to see it. For my feedback I just added the map to my download qeue, and I'll be on my Xbox later today with friends, which means the map will get a solid playtest. I'll let you know what we loved and what we loathed when it's all done. Looks pretty decent for a first post. Thanks for the map, check this post later for an edit including my feedback!