Escape the Crypt!

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Snipez, Nov 21, 2009.

  1. Snipez

    Snipez Ancient
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    I haven't posted in quite a while because I've started projects, got annoyed and stopped so many times. This one didn't take me long, I was just randomly placing objects, ended up with a tower and tried making it into a proper game.

    Humans start and they should immediatly start working they're way up the tower to the teleporter that takes them to the middle floor. where there is cover and weapons. Zombies can't get out of they're enclosed space until 45 seconds in when the gravlifts spawn.

    Zombies should then commence up the tower, chasing after the humans.


    Download Map!

    Download Gametype!

    Any comments are appreciated.
  2. l PATRICK l

    l PATRICK l Ancient
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    looks too sloppy, forging takes time and effort, and no offense but you need to take more time into it
  3. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    Maybe you can put a description of the gametype traits. It seems to me that aesthetics weren't your primary focus, am I right? But I am mainly looking for playability. And it seems like the humans will have an easy time crushing the zombies once they get up top. It seems almost too easy.
    #3 Ac3Snip3r, Nov 21, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2009
  4. Snipez

    Snipez Ancient
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    It wasn't for aesthetics, it was for a random junk tower that was hard to get up. (it's supposed to look the way it does) and the alpha zombie is invulnerable while other zombies can take 90% normal damage. and at top there is only a rocket, two shotguns and two br's with low respawns. (takes a while to respawn)
    #4 Snipez, Nov 21, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2009
  5. Phenomenal

    Phenomenal Ancient
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    I like the idea, but it seems like you can make this map fun like this but less sloppy and more appealing to the eye. You could make alternate routes up or something.
  6. Snipez

    Snipez Ancient
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    well, aesthetics just annoy me when I try to get it good so i tried to make something thats not ment to be appealing. i just chucked a load of things down and saw if there was a way up it lol
  7. Capton Furgler

    Capton Furgler Ancient
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    I have downloaded this map and forged through it. The way you made the tower is a different way then most. And dont listen to these other people because I did find other pathways up, and all these guys are saying its sloppy is because they are to wrapped up in aesthetics. The map doesnt need to look good to have good gameplay.

    But of what I noticed is that you do need to work on this map more. And the top area is somewhat of an example. You need to work more on the top area making it more then just a giant camping spot with camping weapons. If you do need any help the with any ideas for what you can do you can always send me a friend request on xbox live and invite me to a game. It seems like you have good ideas of your own but you need to build more onto it to make them even better.

    GT: Capton Furgler
    #7 Capton Furgler, Nov 21, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2009
  8. Snipez

    Snipez Ancient
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    Thanks for the nice comment and thanks for facing me in the right direction on how to improve my map. I'll get to it soon.
  9. Shenanigans.nom

    Shenanigans.nom Ancient
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    This is an idea i had for a map like this but since i got caught up in borderlands I dont feel like forging a map. This map would seem great for it with some tweaks. The idea would be to have a bunch of equipment at the start all of it used for specific things so dont waste it. there would be multiple paths up yet they all require you to use the equipment. The objective is to get the vip to the top. He cant pick up equipment and is heavy so he cant jump high. So you would need teamwork. Then the attackers would be just like zombies and have a delayed spawn time. Then have a no respawn so you would need a lot of teamwork. Seeing as i have never tested this i dont know what traits are but you can gladly use this. Just give me some credit... and anyone else who reads this go ahead and take this if you think its good. Idk if it would work at all but id love to hear if it worked PM if you gunna try it out.
  10. Farbeef

    Farbeef Forerunner
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    Looks like fun and i dont agree that the tower is sloppy because it is obviously supposed to look that way but the top and bottom bases look ver quickly made and i think you could make this alot better by spending a little time forging them anyway looks fun :) i will DL
  11. OMGItzOrion

    OMGItzOrion Ancient
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    Hmm, I think even I make better maps than this, n offence. I think you could have put more time into this, because honestly, it looks like it took you 10 minutes to make..
  12. Snipez

    Snipez Ancient
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    LOL It did take me ten minutes to make. It was something easy to make because I was annoyed and bored. But the tower is supposed to look like that.
  13. El3m3nt Knight

    El3m3nt Knight Ancient
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    Some criticism

    I can tell. Maybe you should try ghost merging your astethics, it's way easier.
    I know from previous experiences that shield doors are a great cause of boredom. A zombie will get to the top floor, and just not go out because they know that they'll get owned. And, the base where the zombies spawn might get attacked after the 3/4 minut wait, which could also cause problems. Maybe re-think this maps layout, spend abot an hour total tweaking it, but otherwis, that's all the criticism I've got. I've always loved the idea of being able to travel in between floors easily in a gametype.
  14. Jellofish777

    Jellofish777 Ancient
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    In the future please refrain from necro bumping, this is an old post that was no longer on the first page, and everyone wants it to stay that way.
  15. The Snuggie God

    The Snuggie God Forerunner

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    i do like the tower, you meaning it to be sloppy actually makes it look cool, but you have to add more environment... not aesthetics; environment, as in more places for people to go, alternate ways up and maybe some teleporters so the zombies can flank the humans, the reason you want environment and alternate ways around is so things won't get reapedative, people can't camp, and it adds strategy. Good map so far, I don't think anyone can bust out a map when they first make it it takes editing. Good map so far. :)
  16. FrieMore

    FrieMore Ancient
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    Im confused is this supposed to be an infection map?

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