Please Read Before PostingSorry about the massive red text but if you are reading this then it worked and got your attention. I'm going to ask for helpful criticism about this map. When I say helpful, I mean don't just look at the screenshots which I have been forced to post and tell me I need to Interlock more. I DONT CARE! I interlocked enough so that things don't look too sloopy and so that people can't get out but I really wan't to stress that most forgers don't care if thier double box was interlocked half and inch into the ground or if every corner isn't perfect. So, please, download this before posting and comment on gameplay. It only takes one space and then you can delete it. This was posted under the Mini-Game section. Not the asthetic section so I don't want to hear the same crap again about interlocking. I swear that sometimes people on the Forgehub judge a map too astheticaly and not enough on gameplay. Finnally... Introducing Escape the Bomb Shelter A map that's guarenteed to puzzle you. The story goes like this... Once upon a time in the not so distant future, world war three had left the world recovering from a nueclear winter (I don't know what that is either, just go along with it, it sounds good.). One survivor from a large battle was walking across a field of snow trying to make his way back to his base. Luckily his suit kept him safe from the radiation. Suddenly, the ground beneath his feet trembled before giving away compleatly sending our survivor into an abyss. The game starts with our survivor falling down an old shaft into the abandoned bomb shelter. Our hero stops briefly to recover when he notices that the power to the place is still running because the teleporter system appears to be in working order. It couldn't hurt to check right? Guess again. The survivor realizes that the door is shut tight. Perhaps if power were cut to the door the lock would release, but I don't see any wires. Finally, the door opened and our hero can continue. Notice! The door will become unable to open after a set amount of time. This is marked by the spawning of a window pannel in front of the door. Woah! The crust above the Bomb Shelter must be unstable because a loud explosion was just heard by the Spartan who realizes that time is short. At least the explosion open a hole in the wall allowing the Hero to continue on his way. The explosion appeared to carve a large gaping hole in the concrete lining of the shelter. It appears that our hero has done a number to this place. What purpose could this room serve? Must obey sign on wall... Our hero can see the sky once again, but to ne prevale because how is he to get up the large elevator shaft? Finally, all our hero needs to do is step onto the elevator to the top and push the big yellow button. VICTORY!! Our hero has finnally escaped the crumpling bomb shelter! That's about it. Links are here. Map: Bomb Shelter Gametype: Escape The gametype is required. For added fun, I tried increasing the the shield multiplier to three and added shield depleation over time to simulate the nueclear radiation and create the feeling of being timmed but if you don't want to do that, just go ahead and play the default gametype I gave you in the link above. Thanks for reading. Please DL and criticise. Oh, and if anybody's interested in sharing and testing puzzles, I have an interesting bnet group that does just that for you. Give it a peak if your in the mood. Puzzled Productions It is, I'm not going to deny it. It is, I'm not going to deny it. Don't worry, I thought carfully about the pics, I chose angles that would not reveal the answer but at the same time describe the room. I did a poor job on the room with the caption that reads "What purpose could this room serve?" though but thats because I tried not to show the hero's face until the end. Don't ask why. I have no clue. It felt like the right thing to do. I guess I kinda turned off the people telling me to interlock anything. I'm not saying that you shouldn't tell me to interlock. I like criticsm like that. It tells me how to improve my map. I'm just sick of the people who real quick scan the pictures then decide "whoops, needs more interlocking" because that's all they can type. I wan't people to read and see what my maps about before telling me to interlock. Thats the message I tried to convey. I knew that sombody would point that out eventually. I spent too many recources on scenery that I had to cut the map shorter than intended and move the last puzzle, to the second. It was a necesarry sacrafice to maintain the scenery of the map. Unfortunatly the puzzle was not as difficult as I had imagined earlier therefore it did not take as long, but I didn't want to do more editing to it after I had to remove three puzzles. Notice how the elevator at the end was sloppy. Just one other reminder of how Foundry is limmited.
This is a pretty innovative and a stand alone puzzle maps that looks like it would stand out in the crowd of 100's of the overwhelming time consumers. The puzzle looks well planed out and executed.
The story is pretty neat and the puzzle looks like it would take time... I hope you didn't reveal too much in the pics! I'll dl and try it out.
a litle sloppy but overal really cool this is probably one one the coolest playing maps seems great for a machinima. the comments going along with the pics really made me want to dl it rating storyline ability 9/10 map play 10/10 forging 8/10 extras (opening doors, trap floors, ect..) 10/10 overall score 8.5/10
wow thanks jeez, this took off, I wasn't expecting this many posts so soon, I just watched spiders on drugs (youtube vid) and came back and there were this many posts. Thanks for the support but what I'm really looking for is how could I improve this. I know I'm not the greatest at asthetics so I though right away people would comment on how crappy it looked but honestly, I havn't heard a single argument about that. Thanks again to all who posted and all who will post in the future to come. Which brings to another subject. How much traffic does ForgeHub get. I assumed this was a small sub community but it appears I was wrong.
Forgehub does get a pretty good amount of traffic since bungie's mention on their site. It's probably the most organized site, not to mention all of the amazing maps. But nice job on a puzzle map, I was finishing one up myself but it was on an infinite budget glitch map and something went wrong and now all my things don't spawn. I'll dl this to soothe the pain lol. Great job 4/5
My favorite part. =) Your map looks like a solid puzzle map, complete with switches and timed events. I would make a V2 and clean up a few things- NOT SAYING TO INTERLOCK EVERYTHING BTW. Oh and FYI nuclear winter is the theory that if there was a nuclear winter, the Ozone would be depleted (I THINK) and that then the coldness of space would make it much colder on earth. I think that the suns rays would make the earth too hot if that happened, but not trying to be a smart alec
i dont really like puzzle maps. they arent my thing but i guess its a pretty cool map. the sign a fused with the double box looks really good and the puzzles seem challenging. good work.
Looks pretty cool, i like the idea of him falling down an old bomb shelter at the beginning, its gives a haunted old type story look to the place
haha this looks kinda fun im guna download, just because this is awesome, like the beggining to an actual campaign mission 5/5
This map looks very entertaining and exiciting. I will dl it. Also nice way of interlocking objects. ahhahahahahahahahhaahha
I love how you have a story for the map, really gives it an atmosphere. I've never thought puzzle maps should be about neatness, it's about creating interesting, creative and exciting puzzles. It's impossible to make a really neat puzzle map that also has amazing puzzles in it. You've actually done a good job making it as neat as it is, from the pictures. My puzzle maps always look like a mess. I have it Q'd and I'll be sure to let you know what I think after I've completed it, but it's looking promising so far. EDIT: Played. Well I think that gets the award for the shortest puzzle map I've ever played. That doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the minute or so of entertainment it gave me. You managed to avoid wall clipping tricks, so kudos for that, and you even used the regenerator mancannon trick, a puzzle trick that still hasn't reached the "over-used" stage yet. I really did like the "dropping down from above" thing at the beginning, it helped emmerse me in the story you created. You've definately shown puzzle making talent, a great beginner map. Now try and make something on a grander scale. Aim to make 12 or so puzzles of that caliber and you'll be well on your way to giving people brain tumours.
It wasn't all my idea, the dropping down thing has been used before, and in a featured minigame map I do believe. The one with all the tunnels and you had to run from the guy with the hammer. None of my puzzles were super original either, the first puzzle was ment to be simple yet timmed. The original second and third puzzle were my ideas but I'm going to have to place them in a new puzzle map now. The last puzzle was ment to make you backtrack through the entire thing and look more closely. Unfortunatly the second and third puzzel had to be cut due to foundry's rather pointless limitations. I have to thank you for the suppor buddhacrane, I thought this map would be thrown aside for more exiting minigames that can be played with more people. Personally I like playing with friends more than solving puzzles. But if your bored and hate matchmaking like me, then I guess this is only other option than forge.
It's very short and cheatable but in a way that renders it imposible to complete. The ending was very creative though so props for that.
this looks like a fun puzzel map and i like the story. ps a nuclear winter is the time period after a nuke goes off.
Wow looks good .. By the way puzzle maps don't need to look good anyway so dw about interlocking as long as you can't get out .. Looks fun adn the switches are good .. Great Job! =]