Authors: aMoeba, Stonato, Aspect of Bane Map Name: Escalation Map Canvas: Foundry Map Size: Large Player Count: 6-16 Supported Gametypes: Reclaimer __________________________________________________ Description: Hey guys. I'm going to keep this short and sweet. If you are going to play this map, I highly advise you read EVERYTHING This map was made back in August of 08. It was revamped in April of 09, but no serious changes, just weapons and spawns and stuff. The gametype is basically territories with a few changes, but I highly advise you use it. Its basically a one sided territories map, and the attackers have to go through vents. There's 4 entrances to the defender's areas. Each room has a territory, including the loadout room. At the beginning of the round the attackers will spawn in a room. You can pick up the gravity hammer and go through the mini obstacle course, or you can kill yourself to go straight to the loadout. If you do go through the course, you get rockets, so I only recommend one person doing it. I'll caption the pictures and let them do the rest of the talking. Note that ALL the pictures have the ceiling and some parts of the vent deleted. So here's a bad overview of the obstacle course. The teleporter takes you to the loadout. Here's the loadout where the attackers will constantly respawn Here is the vent intersection. There's three paths that lead to four different entrances to the defender's areas. Here's the main room for the defenders, basically the center Here is the one man room. Basically one of the vents drops down into here. Defenders cannot enter this room but they will rarely spawn in it. From here the attacker who enters can jump into the mancannon to go into the next room or walk into the actual door to be teleported to one of the two receiver nodes. So this is the overview of the map without a ceiling. If you look to the very left where you see that mancannon glow that is the mancannon from the one man room in the last pic. Right below that is one of the other rooms where another vent drops into. The next room is the hub, which contains one of the receiver nodes. In the room next to the hub (which has a floating sender node) is where one of the vents go to also, and the defenders can turret clip to get into it. You can see into the one man room from there, but can't go in. To get out you simply jump into the teleporter to get to one of the two receiver nodes (random). Following the double box open goes to the "T" as I like to call it, which is the next pic. Here is the "T." it contains one of the random two receiver nodes, the other receiver is in the hub.