Erosionasa - Silver Map Pack

Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by Sinogard, Apr 16, 2013.

  1. Sinogard

    Sinogard Ancient
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    Hi ya’ll, Its me once again. Getting Tired of these yet? No? Ok well here’s our next installment and look into the Silver Map Pack, Erosionasa.


    This map was one of the easiest maps I built. It worked almost off the first draft. All it took was finding the location. That actually took more time than building the map itself. At first I tried to build on the roof of the erosion building. It didn’t work but I got a draft if anyone’s interested in what came of it. I tried building around the donut. I tried building under the donut. It simply didn’t work. So then I did something a wee bit different. I built in so many places I could show you half of my 44 Erosion variants for erosionasa and that still wouldn’t tell you all the places I tried.
    This map luckily has not suffered from poor initial layout despite not being planned out at all and simply built around itself. The Map was initially made for you guessed it dominion. But like almost all my maps it simply did not play dominion well at all… It was this map that made me realize that I had made mistakes in insisting that all my maps play dominion. So I set it up for extraction which plays beautifully. Another great game type is Capture the flag which was a nice alternative to the Dominion game type.

    The game Types
    Capture the Flag
    Infinity Slayer
    King of the Hill


    Thanks for reading,

    #1 Sinogard, Apr 16, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 24, 2013

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