Well, I've remade the entire map in the same spot and there is no more lag. So apparently something just went wrong in the original draft that messes up the map permanently. Pretty weird, but at least I can continue with the map now. I agree, Erosion has the potential to be so much more. I believe Certain Affinity is good at making maps, as I've enjoyed their creations in the past (Halo 2, Reach, CoD), but nearly every map in this game is ruined by pretty obvious oversights: In Erosion, the Grifball court only has 2 entrances; the cubbie hole is only on 1 side of the court, ruining the symmetry; the main area is god awful to build on; and the large body of water can't even be forged in. On Complex, the main building's roof is incredibly overpowering, especially with a sniper on the map and camo in loadouts. Also, it's way too big for a team slayer map. On Haven, the spawns are set up lopsided, whereas the map is actually symmetrical. It makes no sense why they didn't make the spawns symmetrical as well. I don't claim to be amazing at map design, but I think I'm pretty good. If I can see these kinds of flaws, there's no reason people getting paid to do this for a living shouldn't.
You know what's worse? They probably recognize all the flaws but chose to ignore it. I mean, we're talking about the people who removed precision editing from Forge. It's ridiculous.
A lack of precision editing could've been an oversight. They claim it was, so I'll believe them. I don't think they're that ignorant.
Lack of quality forging demonstrates lack of QA, nothing else. Lack of precision editing demonstrates they either didn't know that it was a feature in Reach, they hardly used the forge to notice it missing, or that they knew it was missing but were very preoccupied with more important things - like GET THE GAME RELEASED to save their jobs?? The various influencer strengths and ranges resulting in spawn traps and spawning by the enemy flag tends to indicate that they didn't analyze the consequences, but ran a few tests and thought all was good. The dominion game play demo video had several AFK players, suggesting they didn't have a full set of players available for the entire video (but it could also indicate that they intended to AFK to make killing easier and to demo the last stand game play). In the aggregate, these only TEND indicate a lack of funds and a rush to release for economic reasons. I am not saying that is good or bad. But I would never criticize them for their motivations until I build my own legendary empire.
Don't be such a blind sheep, ya sound like someone who believes everything they hear, see, or read from corporate scum, government, and corporate media. Do you honestly think Certain Affinity is going to admit that they left precision editing out of Forge on purpose? Never. This is a company controlled by Microsoft.... one of the most greedy and shady companies on your stinkin' planet. Did Microsoft admit that they accidentally gave people Crimson Map Pack for free? No. Certain Affinity just doesn't belong making multiplayer aspects for Halo games...they suck at forge features....they suck at map making....they suck at everything. Of course they can make a good map here and there...but their style of terrain is horrible for Halo. They remind me of Call of Duty fans trying to make Halo maps and Forge features.
I wouldn't say that. Although they ****ed up Forge, the campaign is still beast and Multiplayer is somewhat fun too. And they did actually improve things compared to Reach such as the shotgun-sword glitch.