Epsilon Created by lanSnake How many times has it happened to you, you're strolling around, minding your own buisness, shooting some guys that just happened to be in your way, when suddenly, bwahm, one of those guys jumps up behind you, fires a full load of ammo and makes sweet tea-bagging love with your body before it even hit the ground? Wait none, seriously? Well now it can happen, on Epsilon. A symmetrical, two based map. Beneath the floor of this Forerunner facility lies the crypt of, let's just call him Bob shall we. Many shortcuts lead to and from this crypt. So you'll never now just where your enemy went or where he's going to strike next. Overview of the map Close-up of the mid-section of the map Rocket Spawn Blue Base Mid section of the crypt with Sword spawn (tomb of Bob?) Weaponlist: Spoiler 2x DMR 1x Needle Rifle 4x Assault Rifle 2x Sniper Rifle 1x Rocket Launcher 1x Energy Sword 4x Frag Grenades 4x Plasma Grenades 4x Medpac Any suggestions, improvements or ideas will be taken in consideration
I love the look and feel of this map. I was a little worried about what you meant by a confusing crypt, but after looking at it, the layout is very understandable. I would add more pictures to your post of the lower area as I didn't have a good idea of what you meant by the one photo. The only other issue I see is spawning. You only have 8 initial spawns. You should have 8 red, 8 blue, and 16 Neutral. I would also advice 4 spawns for two other teams as well to support multi-team games. You also have some respawns that are facing a wall and are smack up against it in the lower crypt. This could prove very disorienting for players. I would also increase your respawns to at least 100-120 for larger games. Also to save yourself trouble next time, just use a safe area instead of all the kill area boundries you have. Structurally, the Y platform large does get caught on the head just a bit when walking in the lower floor. You may want to try to use a piece that allows some more headroom. Also the elevators you built with the one-way shields should have an inclined roof so the player is pushed forward and out of the funnel. Beyond that the map is really a well-thought out map. When you get a Version 2 uploaded send me a message, I'd love to see the final version. -Atlas