we'll do some more tests with more people [br][/br]Edited by merge: Its just weird that the map would play perfectly fine with 5 people (about 3 matches in a row) and it would lag so bad you guys had to stop the match... the only difference being 3 more people playing. It doenst make sense, sounds like someones connection was bad to me, but like I said, I'll check it out around 5 or so when my cousin gets home. Thanks for letting us know tho, its just dissapointing
Just to give you guys an update, we have taken out the lights, glass, and 3 gravlifts to reduce framerate. We also are in the process of taking out smaller pieces and replacing them with larger pieces. Any ideas would be appreciated. The main area of lag is standing at the end of each side and looking directly down due to the large length of the map.
I'm amazed over and over by some of these remakes the community does. As awesome as they are I still think it'd be cool to see community map creators go back and reinvent thier own original map ideas. I really was impressed as soon as I loaded up in this map. As usual I tweaked it to my flavor but I'm lovin what you did. I was starting to make a map that had a similar feel. I enjoyed my concept work but I didn't like the playability. I realized after popping into your map that I had made the play area too large. Thanks for the insight. Its left me with some fresh ideas. That being said I've started about a dozen new maps and I keep stopping at about 25% completion. You never know, maybe I'll hit a spree and finish them all at once or destroy them and turn the ideas into one or 2 fun maps. Anyway Keep up the good work and thanks for this keeper. Preacher001
Thanks, We saw that most people had a problem with the size of epitaph when they remade the maps. The jump scale is diferent in Reach so it makes the maps seem smaller but there really not. We just made sure we could make the jumps from the teleporter pads 1 side to the other easily and everything else fell into place.
Good call. I think the proof in a remake is if you have all the same battles in all the same places as you did on the original, then you did a good job. Then again I like adding a few minor changes that usually make a noticible change in gameplay. For example, on the original Construct I added a one way teleporter on the lower platform the stuck out towards the falls with a rocket launcher at the very tip. The reciever was at the top on the center map walkway. Add a couple fire grenades in a couple places, an overshield on the side entrance of the main lift and a flame thrower on the bottom floor and you get true mayhem Actually I think I have that uploaded to my old file share for Halo 3. Ahhh crap, now I wanna go play it. Why can't they just do a direct port to Reach. How much could Halo 3's engine have changed from Halo Reach. I hate swpping disks. Wait . . . does that make me lazy?
For some constructive critisism all I can really say is that it's rough when you go split screen. Multiplayer is fine but split screen gets a bit harry. I'd follow up on what CyborgAnthro said on your first page. I love the windows at center hall but they may also be part of the problem. What I like to do is power edit the map without the intension of saving. If you have a big enough tv to clearly view 4 player split screen, (My quarter screen is 50" then I'd load a 4 player forge map to force lag, and tear it appart until things became smooth. Then I would restart without a save and repeat until I find the smallest adjustment with the biggest lag fix. Try to reduce z fighting and glass like surfaces as much as possible. I tweaked a single wall piece at one of the ends of the map. I have no idea if it made an effect as I had not played your map split screen yet. I just noticed it as I flew around. Outside everythings seemed smooth so you need to find out what's creating the funkyness inside. I don't remember what the spawn points look like but I was starting to get a bit bored with spawning at opposite ends of the hallway over and over. I'd say that means there's not enough nuetral spawns outside and and about the level in general. Other than that, try not to let the original influence the weapons too much. It's your map and switching weapons in forge is probably the simplist thing anyone can do. Let those lazy buggers rearrange the weapons loadout if the don't like what you set up. I like the rocket on the center shelf, the sword underneath it, the hammer where you put the shotgun, and the overshield at the top of those beams right where you jump down into the windowed area. I don't remember if it was standard or if it was something I did but I liked the old invisibility on that little sealed ledge just off the main floor outside one of the doors. I think you may have a chair there or something. Full throttle is the way my buddies and I like to play. We try to strategize while constantly dieing. A la UT/Quake style. There's alot of swearing and wimpering going on when we play. I'm usually the one wimpering Hope that helps [br][/br]Edited by merge: Oh by the way, I always try to carefully consider ammo and respawn time for the weapons. Respawn can reduce issues where people practically camp on certain weapons. I wanted to allow for two people with rocket launchers on one of my maps but I wanted it to be the same spawn point. Unfortunetly I had to increase the respawn time on my rocket launcher to almost 2 minutes because one of my buddies would just camp within 20 feet of it. Finally he got the point. I left 4 rockets in it so he couldn't complain. Also don't forget to adjust the respawn time if you add classic power ups.
We kept the original weapon spawns that bungie set up for thier weapons. So that shouldn't be a problem. We didn't add powerups since there are Armor Abilities now but people could easily add them for thier for classic slayer if they wanted. My internet is off and on so it'll be a while before we can finish the updated version of the map.