This is a remake of the Halo 3 map Epilogue. It was built by me and my cousin Chaos SCO. The map's weapons are set up like Epilogue with a few changes due to changes in gameplay from Halo 3 to Reach like no duel wielding. Please enjoy and leave feedback.
Isn't it Epitaph? But that's just being nit picky. I really like the look of this map, and since I am one for the little things I do like the location you chose for this map near the rocks. I've grown tired of maps floating in the middle of nowhere and having at least something different for a backdrop is a nice change.
Thanks, my cousin picked the location just so it would be a bit different. As far as the name goes. The matchmaking version remade by Bungie to better suit the needs of the online population was called Epilogue. It doesn't have the shield doors in most locations and the weapon placement is different than the stock Epitaph.
I loaded this up like five minutes after you posted. I think its the best remake of epitaph so far. It's clean and makes really good use of minimal pieces. Like all other remakes of this map it suffers from frame rate lag which is really unfortunate. I can see a few things that may improve this slightly: there are a few instances of z-fighting going on, I can name where if you need more specifics. The lights, while helpful to distinguish areas of the map, are another major source. Finally, the glass windows you use are novel but also look diagonally from one into another causes a good drop. Over all the scale is a bit small in some areas (orange and purple team spawns) but I know you're out of budget. Overall awesome remake!
Thanks for the feedback. We didn't think that the framerate was to bad. Atleast not for 1 person per tv. We might try to go back and strip some things to lessen the lag. I really appreciate your critisim and we'll see what we can do to fix it.
Wow, this is actually equal to the remake I have. Both are amazing, and with little flaws on the map. But I think Ill keep my old one. Dont get me wrong, this remake is quite good, but I like the feeling of my old one. Also, no CTF?
This is one of the first pictures bungie released of the map, right before Halo 3 was released. You may even notice the Rockets used to be a sword.
Guess I was mistaken. I just didn't remember ever playing CTF during matchmaking. Though I rarely played objective and I always vetoed the map anyway haha.
Ah ok, thanks for the clarification. I guess I never came across this map enough in MM to remember the name change lol.
No problem. We started to leave it with Epitaphs name but we figured die hard fans would be upset since there wasn't enough shield doors to be Epitaph. We ran out of money so we just made it into Epilogue instead. Plus we liked the weapon placement on Epilogue better.
I guess the other poster said he had an epitaph remake but up until now I haven't come across one. I'm glad someone has done it because I always thought this was a very underrated map. Looks clean and very accurate. Nice job.
Yeah we tried our best to give it a clean look. Many of the epitaphs we have played on either left off the roof or used Rocks to cover up gaps. We stayed away from those bad practices.
Do you want more downloads on your map?? Well I can help out! Im in process of making a youtube video full of great maps and download links! Hit me up. My gamertag : FFRANCIS30
Once we get version 2 of Orbital done, we'll make a map pack of our Orbital, Epilogue, and Blackout (Knockout) remakes. In my opinion they put to shame any remake I have seen of them, you won't regret downloading them and checkin em out.
Yesterday, a group of myself and 7 other members got together and played around 30 community maps that were made by standard users. This one was one of them. At first glance, this map has it all. Its beautiful, accurate, and well made. Then we got a game going. It went terrible. We had to stop it early because the framerate was so bad. I honestly was unhappy with this, because I thought it could've been one of the best remakes I'd ever seen. If you want this to become a permanent remake in the community, i recommend REALLY going back and evaluating what you can cut to improve the visual framerate. It's unplayable as is.
We said it was only playable with one person per tv... It takes SO many pieces to make this map, we knew the framerate lag was gonna be bad before we started. we played with a group of 5 the other day (one person per tv) and it did completely fine. It was actually freakin awesome how well it played, so i really don't know what you are talking about...
I was part of the group and I can attest. It was 4v4 and everyone was on their own televisions and we had to stop the match because the framerate was so choppy. It really is a nice remake and as TSB said, a few revisions to cut down on the lag could help this map out a lot. I really don't want to sound like a **** here, but I would take this advice to heart and do something about it. Don't just insist your game was ok so it will be ok for everyone. Just eliminate the possibility so everyone can enjoy it because if you do I could see this map being in the discussion as one of the best H3 remakes so far.