Epilet Created by A Firey Hobo Supported Gametypes: Slayer, CTF, Oddball, and Territories. Map Description Epilet is My First map(after looking at the Forging 101 section). I think the geomerging turned out really well. Anyway, its an asymmetrical map with A central fighting area( Which has no cover) and a Fence wall cat walk that can be shot through. The Map has two main weapons a Beam Rifle and a Spartan Lazer. There is also a Ghost to make the gameplay fast-paced and interesting. The most teams the map holds is 6. Weapon List: 5x BRs 5x Carrbines 1x Plasma Pistol 1x Beam rifle 4x Spikers 1x Spartan Lazer Equipment List: 1x Active Camoflauge 1x Trip Mine 1x Bubble Shield 6x Plasma Grenade Vehicle List: 1x Ghost Pics Pics Pics Pics Pics Pics Pics Pics Pics Pics Pics Pics Pics _________________________________________________ Random Geomerging ( Bubble Shield inside ) One of the Spawns Fence Wall Catwalk Active Camo Ghost Spawn Sweettacular Interloxoar Random Action Clip Overview _________________________________________________ Please give feedback and constructive criticism to me for my best(and first)Map Ever. Download Epilet NOW!!!!
Looks open, and i dont like the post that much. But you tried, and i'm sure some people will like the gamplay so its not all bad. Thanks for atleast putting pictures and i hope your keep getting better and better with practice.
Looks coolio, although as the first pic suggests, there are a few things around the map that are random. A few of the structures are oddly shaped and a few are straight on spot on, try to make it one or the other. I will see though and DL, WHENCE I GET BACK TO MY HOME STATE Oh and Y35, I sent you a FR to help on a map, and you didn't accept or do anyting- Sadface
Merging/interlocking looks good. Can you get some more overview screen shots please? Its pretty hard to deduce what your map looks like when theirs only pictures of a few notable structures. But from what i can see this looks promising, i will download and rate in a few hours
Awww I don't like teh beam rifle. No nades? I am really impressed for your first map. I just have this feeling that your map lacks something but I don't know what it is. Well, I suggest putting nades if you did not put any. Maybe its a little open. Try adding more stuff.
Nice geo-merging but the map is open, open is bad in most maps but for the gametypes you listed it might be too open but you can never fully judge a map by the pictures so ill dl, try and edit my review after.
great use of all teciniques and i like the ghost spawn maybe you should add a mongoose to even it out but great map and gameplay must be incredible. I really like the structure in the first pic.