Warning: This thread gets locked Sunday 21st June at 10pm GMT (5pm EST) For Capturing Film Clips - You post a link to your Halo 3 film clip(s) of choice, and your email address - I download your film clip - I put Halo in, wait for the DL to complete then start the film clip - I capture the footage using my capture card - I save the film clip on my computer - I upload it to RapidShare, a file sharing website - I send you the download link for your clip. You no longer need to post your email Rules I'm introducing rules because I'm getting too many stupid requests: 1) Clips must be no longer than 1:30 in length (that's 1 minute and 30 seconds). 2) I will no longer record more than TWO clips per person. However, post more than once if you really must. 3) No more clips of absolute irrelevant **** that doesn't need to be captured. This one goes out to misterchief for his 3 minute long video of him betraying all his buddies and then getting killed and recording the entire respawn in a custom infection game on Sandtrap. Never again, sorry misterchief. 4) Only send me clips from now on. No more full films, as I do not know what to film. 5) Please don't use the zoom feature when filming your clip. It looks awful to record. Try to motion the camera smoothly and subtly. 6) I don't record machinima anymore. It's just awful, and I have no interest in anyone's projects except my own usually 7) This service is now exclusive to active members. I won't post a criteria as to what my definition of 'active' is to stop people posting spam everywhere to reach a required rank etc. You'll know if you're an active member or not. I'll give you a hint: If you're a UNSC Trainee who hasn't been active in 2 weeks, I'm not going to bother with you as you're only a member here to take advantage of my service. I'm doing this to benefit the true forgehub community, not some randomer who joined the site five minutes prior to posting a request. Q&A I hope that necro-posts will be tolerated as long as they are not spam.
Waiting List ATacoBell ER1C0 Black Theorem Misterchief n00bsk00lbus309 iBR1st Vapour knuckles Ryan dbo1999 AceOfSpades0707 DoTTii ER1C0 RaBBiiTTT LAXER s3anz2 Donii ER1C0 Ethrock XSn1p3 0utX Esorath Only five people on the waiting list at a time. Currently there is 1 space available. Those crossed off have been served, or they broke the rules and I refused to serve them. Next on the list: Donii
There's many ways to do this, a simple option being - eatHALO But what you're doing is kind, so there's no need to bring you down for it.
Hey, I hope this isn't too much... but they're all under 50 sec Also, can I get these without the reticule and everything? Film Clip 1 Film Clip 2 Film Clip 3 Film Clip 4 Email: erico1993@aol.com Thanks!
email= Torrez98@hotmail.com GT=Torrez18 (Slot 5 and 6) THIS IS NOT MY ACTUAL GT and email. My friend wanted to find an easy way to convert his vids, and i remembered this thread!
I not necropost bumping, but since I have to post on this thread for a capture request then I'll have to do this. Gamertag: k1dbLubo0 Slot 1 and Slot 5. Email: joshua_alfaro@hotmail.com
Gamertag: n00bsk00lbus309 link:Halo 3 File Share clips: 1 through 5 E-mail: n00bskoolbus309@hotmail.com
Okay, with demand for a capture service rising due to the loss of GameVee and EatHalo charging people, I decided to consult machinima.com to fix my capture card. They were so helpful. There just happened o be a thread entitled "getting a Dazzle DVC 100 to record in Colour (Vista users)". I eventually got the AMCap patch to work and now my capture service is back up! This is a justified and proud bump; I'll get to those who already posted tomorrow as it is 11pm here now and I'm not going back on my xbox today.
DownSpinDrome Mini Mountains Veras Lane Laneslide The Coliseum Email: bass_playa_666@hotmail.com When you send me the email send me the pm on here to check my email when it is done
Sorry Knuckles, I only record clips, I don't know what to film otherwise. However I have brought this upon myself, so would you like to help me record it tomorrow or whenever we're both free? Otherwise I dunno what to record.
http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=74449870 ryanhenness@live.com thanks bro.
sorry for my last post fileshare link: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Share fileslot numbers: 3 to 7 ps: your awesome hey cam you please capture all the clips im begging you
At the beginning just go to the view of me for a lap then do an overview and the next lap for example like this vid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjbGrgs-Idc
Okay, I'll do that then. But the quality won't be brilliant. Would you prefer me to separate each video so that I can send it by email (I have a 10MB attachment limit)?
Can you capture this film clip? You don't need to edit the perspective of anything but could you make it so it plays the song "Afterlife" by Avenged Sevenfold? Thanks a lot man. EDIT* Forgot E-mail Spoiler tonyrox177@gmail.com