Map Geography and Description Epicenter's geography changes depending on whether the gametype is symmetrical or asymmetrical, so the descriptions will be divided as such. The map supports 2-10 people comfortably, and supports every gametype . A feature unique to both asymmetrical and symmetrical are the tactical jumps that have been strategically placed, which can get you to certain areas of the map quicker, provided you make the jump. Tactical Jump Asymmetrical : Teams spawn across from each other long ways across the map, attackers at the hologram, defenders at the lift. Attacker's Spawn Defending Base Overview For Capture the Flag, the flag will spawn on the wall behind the defenders, and the return point will be in front of the small lift on the hologram side. Spawns are similar for Assault, with the plant behind the lift and the bomb spawn in front of the hologram. The defender's base has a sniper to fend off the attackers that come through the middle, and BRs and Carbines for mid-range. They have a single Brute Shot on the upper level, and a Bubble shield on the floor behind one of the barriers, each to be used wisely. Defender's Sniper Attackers have a Rocket Launcher floating in the hologram, accessible via grav lift. It's a very helpful offensive tool, but with only two rockets, nothing extra. A Mauler is not too far away, and is at the beginning of the stealthy path to defense. It too has no extra ammunition. Rocket Launcher Mauler Spawn Also on the dark stealth path is a Brute Shot and a Spike Grenade, and this section also shows the effort I put into aesthetics, with the weapons in the blood splatter and some crates and radios etc. The shotgun in the original Epitaph was replaced by a Needler, which makes this area much less traveled and camped. Brute Shot on the Stealth Path From the start, the attackers have multiple ways to infiltrate the defending base, so defenders need to be wary at all times. The middle neutral sections of the map have barriers set up, with neutral ARs and BRs. Certain doorways in the map have been blocked, to change the flow of movement from that of Epitaph, and to reduce some shield door camping. An example is in the mauler picture. Weapon Set: - Battle Rifle [6] Spawn Time: 4 on 30 seconds, 2 on 45 seconds Distribution: 2 Attackers, 2 Defenders, 2 Neutral -Assault Rifle [5] Spawn Time: 30 seconds Distribution: 1 Attackers, 2 Defenders, 2 Neutral - Covenant Carbine [3] Spawn Time: 2 on 30 seconds, 1 on 45 seconds Distribution: 1 Attackers, 2 Defenders - SMG [4] Spawn Time: 30 seconds Distribution: 2 Attackers, 2 Defenders - Plasma Rifle [4] Spawn Time: 30 seconds Distribution: 2 Defenders, 2 Neutral - Spiker [2] Spawn Time: 30 seconds Distribution: 2 Defenders - Needler [1] Spawn Time: 30 seconds Distribution: 1 Attackers - Plasma Pistol [1] Spawn Time: 30 seconds Distribution: 1 Attackers - Magnum [3] Spawn Time: 2 on 20 seconds, 1 on 30 seconds Distribution: 2 Attackers, 1 Defenders - Brute Shot [2] Spawn Time: 1 on 45 seconds, 1 on 60 seconds Distribution: 1 Defenders, 1 Neutral - Rocket Launcher [1] Spawn Time: 120 seconds, 0 extra clips Distribution: 1 Attackers - Sniper Rifle [1] Spawn Time: 90 seconds, 1 extra clip Distribution: 1 Defenders - Mauler [1] Spawn Time: 60 seconds, 0 extra clips Distribution: 1 Attackers - Bubble Shield [1] Spawn Time: 150 seconds Distribution: 1 Defenders - Frag Grenades [2] Spawn Time: 20 seconds Distribution: 2 Attackers - Spike Grenades [3] Spawn Time: 2 on 30 seconds, 1 on 45 seconds Distribution: 2 Attackers, 1 Neutral Symmetrical : For symmetrical gametypes I decided to flip the bases to get more symmetry and change things up. Bases are now opposite across the width of Epitaph, and have equal access to the hologram and lift sides. This makes the distance between the bases shorter, but you can take the more stealthy long ways around, which have a variety of symmetrical weapons. The defenders (red) will start on the light side of Epitaph, and the attackers (blue) spawn on the opposite dark side. Red Team Spawn (Blue is the same) From there you have multiple paths to choose from, all eventually leading to the opposing base. Each team is equipped with Battle Rifles, which are at your starting spawn points and your respective catwalk. Also on the catwalk is a Sniper Rifle, on a 90 second spawn time with no spare clips. Catwalk With Sniper Each team gets a regenerator that spawns 60 seconds into the game, which can mean the difference between winning and losing. Neutral power weapons include an Energy Sword on the lift side, and a Rocket Launcher on the hologram side. An Active Camo spawns behind the lift at 150 seconds, to make sure that it can't immediately be picked up with the sword, and to keep it from being overpowered. Sword and Active Camo Spawns Symmetrical Rocket Spawn The symmetrical map also supports free-for-all gametypes. Weapon Set: - Battle Rifle [8] Spawn Time: 30 seconds Distribution: 3 Attackers, 3 Defenders, 2 Neutral - Assault Rifle [2] Spawn Time: 30 seconds Distribution: 1 Attackers, 1 Defenders - Covenant Carbine [2] Spawn Time: 30 seconds Distribution: 2 Neutral - SMG [4] Spawn Time: 20 seconds Distribution: 4 Neutral - Plasma Rifle [4] Spawn Time: 20 seconds Distribution: 4 Neutral - Spiker [4] Spawn Time: 30 seconds Distribution: 4 Neutral - Needler [2] Spawn Time: 30 seconds Distribution: 2 Neutral - Plasma Pistol [2] Spawn Time: 30 seconds Distribution: 2 Neutral - Magnum [2] Spawn Time: 20 seconds Distribution: 2 Neutral - Brute Shot [2] Spawn Time: 45 seconds Distribution: 2 Neutral - Rocket Launcher [1] Spawn Time: 120 seconds, 0 spare clips Distribution: 1 Neutral - Sniper Rifle [2] Spawn Time: 90 seconds, 0 spare clips Distribution: 1 Attackers, 1 Defenders - Energy Sword [1] Spawn Time: 120 seconds Distribution: 1 Neutral - Active Camo [1] Spawn Time: 150 seconds, not at start Distribution: 1 Neutral - Regenerator [2] Spawn Time: 60 seconds, not at start Distribution: 1 Attackers, 1 Defenders - Spike Grenades [4] Spawn Time: 30 seconds Distribution: 2 Neutral Action Shots Symmetric: Multi Flag Grabbing the Sniper at the Beginning Getting Sniped in the Face at the Beginning Failed Attempt at Grabbing the Flag. I (the jumping elite) came down behind him and assassinated him in midair. Not This Time Not Again! Asymmetric: One Bomb Disarm it Quick! (The defender died...) Your-Base-A-Splode Double Kill Waiting to Happen <+-=Epidemic=-+> - A unique Infection game variant to go with the map, but is playable on any map.
first post! nice map but what i like more is how you give a REALLY good set of pictures! i dont think you left any thing out! if this is your first map post, GOOD JOB ill dl just because you took your time on it and it looks good and so does the map, lol. but for real this is better then the featured map post!
I like this map for 2 main reasons. ONE: You've done something with epitaph, this is a very rare occasion here on ForgeHub. TWO: The map is original, not too out of the ordinary, you made it work; and also gave it just the uique touch it needed. very nice job. Overall Rating: 4/5 For Originallity! Keep Forging!
This map is OK... You didn't change too much, but you did an exellent job considering this is on epitaph. For an epitaph map this is great but for a forged map theres nothing that really makes it stand out. It's not bad though, I look forward to playing =). I'll be back with more detailed impressions. PS: isn't there another map called epicenter, you might want to think of a different name...
Wow Epitaph! Thoughts outside of the box like the ones you've presented, are a break from the norm.Very original, on a final note. 8.5/10
Thats actually a really cool idea, get on it gladiate =P I'll have to see how this plays first, hmmmm, the possibilities...
redeyemaster - Thank you for the compliments. It's actually my second map post here, but I've done others in other places. I actually didn't get to put all my pictures in, due to the 20 pic limit, but I showed the most important stuff. crazyzevu - It's probably not an original name, but I thought it fitting because I kept the "Epi-" prefix, and it fits the arena-ish nature of Epitaph. Whisper - I actually wanted the shield doors in some places, I just blocked a few, mostly to change the flow of movement. Thank you though. And thanks to all others who commented about originality and such, it's greatly appreciated.
A Forge map not on Foundry? This map is Blasphemy haha just kidding i like the map, it looks very clean and well made. Epitaph is usually a map i do not like, maybe this will spark some of my interest in it. 3.5/5
Wow a decent addition to a bungie map... nice i can tell u spent alot of time on thins nice tactical jumps and flag spawn floating weapons and such i was excpecting mucher more noobisdom or noobieness... either way i am suprised might actually be some helpful changes tho i think the defenders need something to counter ast the rockets POS. but idk little shaky... turret... 180 respawn... that should do but this is actuall good nice job
Hmm... Interesting, I haven't seen many(if any) maps on Epitaph. Looks creative. I guess it's worth the download.
I really like this map because of what you have done to epitaph, or however you spell it. I like the little platform you used to jump up to the next stage. It would seem very fun for CTF. Great job. Im glad you did this on Epitaph. 5/5
well i like it how you made the map on epitaph and i especially like your aesthetics (mostly the rocket in the cross thingy), the map looks pretty close quarters with all that cover though too. the only thing that should be fixed is the name because it has been used SO MANY TIMES, dont worry thats not just going to you thats to everyone!
Theartofhalo2 - Yeah, it's a complete change from the original Epitaph. Most of the dislike was from weapon spawns and camping, and that is fixed quite well here. Boyle06 - The rocket actually almost counters itself. It only has 2 shots, and if you get one shot off and die, the defenders get to use it, like in one of the action pics. In the beginnings of this map, I actually had a plasma turret in the hologram thing, and it looked amazingly cool, but I realized I didn't want that side to be defenders, and it's pointless for attackers to have a turret. bobsagetismyhro - You spelled it right ;-). It was crazy fun for CTF in the playtest, it was very smooth. thepredator720 - The cover actually doesn't make it too close quarters, and the games ran smoothly with a balance of CQB, and mid-long range. I realize the name is unoriginal, but it fit so perfectly, I couldn't resist.
I remember seeing this on Legendary Gaming, and it was very interesting to see a non-DLC for once in a while. I'm currently working on one myself, although I don't think it'll be as good as if I made it on a DLC map. =) Anyways, the tactical jumps are very original for an original map, I like the objects you used. 4/5, well, because we never see many maps on the preset list. Good job!