wow, this is great I love everything about this map, and it has all of the features of a minigame that never gets old. Maybe you could add some small floating doors on the slits for more defenders per slit? Great job otherwise, 5/5 and downloaded
resurrection. haha. i didnt get to comment this yet. i dled a bit back and still havent got a good party to play it but ill get 1 soon for sure. very nice matty. your a legand
Very nice Matty, I loved the way you used those giant rings, they are a truely amazing creation. The 'ship' is perfect to make this little mini-game play well, it looks extremely fun to play. This is such an awesome idea, its bound to be repeated in other maps in the future. Once again, outstanding work Matty, you've astounded me yet again. Keep them coming.
dude this is EPIC, the middle is that where the defenders are? it seems it would be hard to kill them when there in there, besides that the interlocking is amazing i dont know how you got is sooooo perfict, im gonna DL and reccomend to all my friends, matty your god.
Oh wow, I remember playing this. Very fun, of course. I had a problem with the small slits only allowing two people on each side. But however, it was very fun, and challenging. It almost made me think it was a Competitive map for a sec.
Brilliant interlocking, excellent geo-merging and a very well balanced map. I played this with 10 people for 3 games and not 1 of them left.
I love you Matty. I played this with my friends and it pwned. this is the greatest minigame of all time
Very interesting use of merging. Cool how the defenders have a view of all the territories from that one base. Its kind of like an old castle how you can shoot and attack the enemy from through the slits.
i played this map with only a few people i think it was 3v3 and it was very completive and i loved it great map
THis game is fun when it is like 4v4 or 5v5 and u dont have idiots on your team. I played and no one on my team knew how to play territories so it was more like 1v4
This map is great fun its one of the few minigames that requires alot of teamwork and coordination. It is also very underrated. I highly recommend people to try the gametype for themselves its a very unique idea that was executed by one of ForgeHub's Best.