Epic Map Pack Preview Epic Map Pack Preview Introduction: This is a more unique type of maps that I have made. They can be played with normal slayer, but they have been made specifically for a new gametype called ODST. Download ODST Here Part 1: Payload Payload is a Halo style version of the ever famous map Shipment that is featured on Call of Duty 4. I personally like Shipment so I thought it could be a good Halo map as well. I am working on having it work with territories, as famous on the original map. 2-8 players.
although i dont like changing the color of the map. Your map looks good with it and dont look like it would ruin gameplay. nicework, what effects did you use?
I don't understand the gametype because you didn't say anything about it other than it is different than slayer. Other than that, it looks like a solid map. The only thing i would suggest would be to merge the outer wall, but other than that the merging is great and looks a lot like shipment. 4.4/5
Hey, looks like an awesome map! I just hope people wont spam nades to spawn-kill people like in call of duty 4. Would be nice if you edited this post describing that weapons were on the map when they spawned what equipment was on the map,when that spawned etc etc. 4/5
This looks like a great map but it kinda looks crowded, no offense. All in all looks like a great map for territories. 8/10
On appearance, I would say this map is a solid 9 of 10. However, the turrets don't really make sense to me and i don't see much high ground available that you can actually reach by jumping, maybe this is just unexplained in your pictures which happens sometimes. Also, including a weapons and equipment list might help decide more detailed viewers. looks great though, keep it up.
Wow, really good map from what I can see, it looks ALOT like shipment which was a pretty epic map... I would agree that I would like some more information on the gametype, and possibly why you call it a map pack even though it's just one map... The merging looks pretty good but my 100% favorite part (from the pictures) is the arch thing with the obelisk... that just oozes aesthetic epicness! So ya, might DL but no promises... therefore I can't rate but its definately up there... Your suposesed to actually read the post, thats the point of a description although it isnt explained in the post either it is explained that its a COD-ish map, implying that the Turret it there to act as a LMG? (amirite? lol)
this is part 1 and I am going to be releasing part 2 very soon. so I find people dont like a bundle of maps at one time. so I will do map packs from now on by one map at a time.
I don't mind them... i think they're awesome... but i your only going to release one map at a time its silly to name it a map pack.. if you have 2-3 maps ready then release a map pack... otherwise your post gets buried and when you edit it to add a new map no one will see it... k? =D Also! Don't double post! you can multi-quote! Please try it out!
the thing i see is the fusion coils and people could possibly break out easily with pushing the jumping on them hitting them and boom your out of the map can u tell me if it is possible during a game
this looks like a good map but the mongeese prolly werent needed for this small of a map but otherwise GREAT JOB!
nice preview it looks really nice aesthetically but maybe you could switch the Turrets with either a Br or Carbine Spawn for those small structures
You have already posted this map I think twice the one I mainly remember is in the helljumper map pack So any way you've allready posted it Here is the link to the allready posted map pack http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/75705-helljumper-map-pack.html
Yeah, maybe you forgot another map... or two. Anyway, I think this is alot better than the other remake of the shipment map. It's semi-cramped, but it has a nice feel to it. Plus, as long as it's unescapeable by teammate jumping or grenade jumping then I'm all for it.
well if you read it right its says 'epic map packs part1 1' hence this map being the first part. and its also a preview. Anyhow, looks good from what i can see in the screenshots. one quetion, how maps are there going to be in this map pack?