This is my contest entry I just posted it in there and here are the two versions, I used V2 for the entry, but I will let all of you debate which I should submit: V1 V2 CnC If you would like, all appreciated.
Yeah but I havn't seen your entry yet........... I just went to last page of the thing and posted mine, I read rules and posted like that... Never knew I copied any one ...
Oh man, dude I never saw it there, the spoiler thing has scared me once in my life and I never clicked on a spoiler ever again.. Rather not talk about it... Envy is freaky in the manga lol...
Yuh, but that one is an amazing anime, and has a character named Greed(who i'm gonna base mine on),Envy, Lust, and Gluttony I think.
Yeah all 7 Deadly sins are in FMA. Oh Haseo, if you make yours Greed try Googling "Full Metal Alchemist Greed" and there are really good images I was going to do Greed but I didn't know who he was in the manga, I just knew Gluttony, Envy, and that other chick with spiky fingers that rape lol. The pictures of Wrath in FMA suck so I didn't use him plus he looks like a little kid.
Very nice, but I just realized... why is locks "Green with Envy" yet display greed? lol But ya, it is a nice sig, and I questioned its relevance short of name, but if the manga does have all deadly sins, than I think it applies.
He IS a little kid, he stole Ed's arm. Just remembered Sloth is Ed's mom. I'm thinking of using gluttony cuz he's so cute and cuddly. NOTE THIS IS A SPOILER
HASEO WRITE SPOILER ON THAT HOLY POOP DUDE LOL I AM NOT THAT FAR YET OMFOMFOMFOGMOFMOFMOFMGOMFGOMFG I AM ON VOLUME 4 OMFOMFOMFOMFOGMFOGMFOMG SHIST SHITSHISTHISTHSITSHTI IDIDN"T SEE THAT OMFGOFGOFMOFGMFOMFOM.. ****in GLuttonny is fatttttt. If you don't believe me go to youtube and search: "Full Metal Alchemist Character Envy" Geeeeez I knew that. But make a version that says Greed anyways .
dodamn guys i totally agree with lockdownn cuz you definetely stole his sig, its like 1st or 2nd page, and its kinda stupid cuz you posted that you had a good idea like right after he posted his....durrr i wunder wtf happened...durr durr....lockdownn, i support you, hells, i like your sig, but you could change the hue/saturation to pink or some ****, and make it like lust here is a quick piece of **** i whipped up as an example! i dont wanna be mean, just helplful!!!