ENTROPY Timed map that changes as you play "My name is ManRayX and I'm an Obsessive Compulsive Forge-aholic" If you guys have seen some of the maps I've made you know that I have a serious problem. Entropy is the ultimate forge manifestation of my obsessive compulsive disorder. Everything was precisely placed using weapon holders to measure distances in-between items. It took a lot of trial and error to build this map but sometimes the errors would take me in a different direction that was even better than anything I could have thought up myself. This is the first map I have submitted from foundry and it took forever to make (80+ hrs), mostly because of all the interlocking items and timed map events. Most of the maps I have posted are strictly for big team play. Entropy is for max 10 players. Its a symetrical map for team slayer, vip, assault and flag gametypes. The game starts with two bases on either end of foundry. As the game progresses connections between the two bases spawn in pieces. See below for link to time lapse slide show of the map. Time Lapse Slide Show: http://img523.imageshack.us/slideshow/player.php?id=img523/9264/1207282097dgy.smil The first connection to spawn are the gravlift doors. They open at 20 seconds into the round. Props to Cosmic Rick for this one. I got the idea from his Temple of Doom map. Shut the door if enemies are in pursuit or to block a flag or bomb carrier….. shoot or grenade the lift…. to block access to the tunnel. On the opposite side the tunnel connections spawn at 45 seconds into the round. As you can see the floor is wired with fusion cores. They are close together enough that if you set off one you set off the whole floor. If you manage to get across the floor there are teleporters underneath each base that take you up. The man cannons spawn last at the 3 minute mark. They spawn out of the armories on each side. POWERUPS On the inside platform you can break through the floor and…. drop down and get the custom powerup. A teleporter at the bottom of the shaft will send you to the center of the map. On the outside wall center base there is an active camo and an overshield that you can only reach with a deployable gravlift underneath…. it will also push you through a teleporter to a sniper spot above the map. Hope you guys like as much as we do. DOWNLOAD: Download Map Download Gametype Additional screenshots If you like big team battle check out the posts for my other games. SKYDIVE CONVOY ForgeHub - Halo 3 Maps SPREAD EAGLE http://www.forgehub.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4997&highlight=SPREAD+EAGLE
hahaha this map looks really messy and all but it does look reaally fun for some reason. i might download once i free up some space
This map seems almost surreal. I'm downloading simply for the fact that I am intrigued by its complexity. I have to say it strikes me as pretty ugly. I think this may be the only map where the use of interlocking has made the map worse. It kind of works though, it's an organised mess - I like it. All credit to you for these buildings though, they weren't easy I'm sure. I think you've overused the shield doors, fusion coils and turrets, those are things I think which must be used very carefully. Nice work.
Thanks for the feedback. Fusion cores were necessary to keep players off the floor. My original idea was something like Boarding Action from Halo 1, but I had no way to recreate the chasm in betweeen bases. It just sort of evolved from there. Pics dont do it justice open it on ur xbox. BTW really like ur battle of the somme map. Really fun war map. Check out my big team battle maps at the bottom of the Entropy thread.
You've got my DL. If I get a game together on it, and I like it, AND I'm not feeling lazy, I'll get back to you with my thoughts.
I am intrigued by this map just because it looks very strange and weird to play. Although I don't like how you put the fusion coils on the bottom of the floor. It seems like you either ran out money or was too lazy to make a nice bottom floor.
HAHA finally its up. I remember us just messing around on it, you showing me al the cool little tid-bits about the map. Its surprisingly complicated but with a simple lay-out. The timed-events is what makes the map even more fun to play because of the drastic changes in the map. Great job =]
In Frickin Sane!!!!! Amazing map ManRay! The timing on weapons and map elements are perfect. very competitive. Especially the man cannons that spawn at the end of the round. With the timed map events it's like playing 3 diferent maps.Super fun map!
At first I thought it was just a bunch of random interlocking, but it does have some complicatedness to it. It gave me an idea for something, which I plan to make later. Good job!
Great map man ray. Guys who read this the truth is you have to play it to understand it. It is such a well balanced map, he thought of everything. Manray might not be much of a player but he is a freak when it comes to building maps. thanks for another unbelieveable map.
Wow... The basic layout of this map is astounding. I too wish there was something other than fusion coils on the ground... it's a little boring as it is down there. There are a lot of uneven floors that could do with some re-doing, but they're not a huge deal unless you hate jumping. I wish the weapon layout was a bit more... standard. The little rooms filled with equipment and weapons are a big turn off... Any chance of a remake with a more regular weapon layout and flatter floors?
This seems very abstract, and almost fitting in Casual. Must check this out. Edit: Anyone notice how he put the shield doors next to ledges, so there's absolutely no shield door camping with flags? Love it.
Cosmic Rick >Thanks for the feedback Rick. The concept of the fusion core minefield was to keep people off the floor altogether. Idealy it would be like Boarding Action on Halo 1 where there is a big chasm between bases. My xbox got the red ring of death so I havent been able to polish up the map but in some places I had to make the floor a little uneven so players wouldnt get stuck. As for the armory Im not loving it too much as it is and was considering some changes. Do you have any suggestions on a new weapon layout? Thanks MRX
Change it to just 1 weapon and 1 equipment item in those little armory boxes. Your choice, I guess. I'd go bubble shield and plasms-blaster-cannon-thingy, personally... it seems to fit the map better. Also, you can jump on some of the walls of the top level 'rooms' and asily jump over to your big wall and sneak out. You probably knew that, but it might be worth merging a couple more items with the map geometry to block those off. And good luck with the RROD.
wow i really wanna dl this, but bungie is screwed...DAMN YOU BUNGIE!!! Reason i wanna dl is because you have inspired someone guy...i have an idear as it were... muahahah go you
> thanks dude. I may have different weapons and equip rotate in that room during the round by making them not spawn at the begining of the round and only spawn one time during the round. I tried to close off that wall as best I could but towards the end of construction screwed up the money glitch and had to improvise.
Hmm, its interesting. My first thoughts were that the floor looked surprisingly empty- but now I understand that. Also, what is up with all the power weapons?? Either way though, I'm downloading. It looks so bizarre and odd.
>I think power weapons are underused but I have recently modified them to spawn less frequently and balance out the map better.