a great symmetrical map for ts or just killing your friends in a nice ol 1v1 no matter how you play it you will have a great time with a few more jumps and cleaned up the forgeing a lot re-did the teleporter exits makeing the map look cleaner and more movement options click here for the latest version http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=14496022&player=Shi11Tenshi 4 dmr 2 magnum 4 needler rifle 4 needler 2 snipers 2 shotgun 1 rocket 1 grenade launcher 2 concussion rifle 8 plasma grenade 4 frag grenade pics --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- overveiw top base corner grav lift elbow rocket spawn sniper tower top mid [br][/br]Edited by merge: this one goes out to you all
I actually like the gameplay a bunch, and the jumps/shortcuts are just fine. One suggestion, however, is to remove some of the crates by the 3-story towers, as it gets really bunched up there. Perhaps just the double stack and then a single crate on the side.
i will take that into consideration thanks [br][/br]Edited by merge: click here for the latest version http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/Fi...er=Shi11Tenshi with a few more jumps and cleaned up the forgeing a lot re-did the teleporter exits