Enlitenment(I know how to spell Enlightenment so please no comments on that because I have already got them) This is map I have created on Epitaph. I have changed many things on this map including totally redoing the weapons, and also changed the layout of the map to make it more tactical. This is supposed to be a upgrade of Epitaph, because knowbody really likes the original one I eliminated alot of things that you could camp with on this map including lots of power weapons. I blocked off the side entrance to the gravlift on the defenders side so its more even with the attackers side. I added gravlifts on the defenders side to go up the tunnel because I thought it would be more balanced that way but you can still get down from the other way with the lifts still there I chose to use weapons that werent to overpowering and some that I thought would suit this map well like the sentinel beam. This map is really fun and many people agree that its alot funner than the original so please download and play. Gametypes: Slayer Capture the Flag Juggernaut Oddbal Equipment 1x OverShield 1x Regenerator 1x BubbleShield Weapons 1x Sniper Rifle 2x Assault Rifle 5x Battle Rifle 2x Carbine 4x SMG's 1x Sentinel Beam 1x Needler 4x Plasma Rifle view of the attackers side notice that I added some objects in to make it not as plain as it normally is. Middle of the map and also a view of the defenders side (a overshield not shown in the picture spawns after 90 seconds on top of the middle crate) view of the left side on other side its exactly the same see what I mean balanced inside view of defenders side wall art from defenders side grav lift on defenders bottom side this is so people can get up not so they cant get down you can still get down its just harder view of the end of campers hall( you cant get in that lift from this side because there is a barrier blocking your way even if you get past the crates) defenders other side and bubble shield Teleporter that takes you to other side Teleporter takes you here and vice versa its 2 way Sniper you have to shoot down lands in different place every time so it makes the game more interesting Download Enlitenment Here Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Created by Toofgib and africanBoi
The map is said as a foundry map, you may want to fix the title so it says "Non-Foundry", but the map itself is Ok. It needs more to it, all your did was add some barriers, a gravlift, and some teleporters, I suggest for the grav lift, go under that walkway and place a weapon holder so the grav lift is not visible or destroyable. Anyways 3.5/5
Not a bad map. But not a good map either. Could use a little better placement of barriers so they dont look so random. It honestly looks like you just dropped them in the halls. Cant say much of anything about weapon placement as we cant see any on the pics. Im willing to bet you didnt touch the spawns.
Wow would anybody download a map on Forgehub Alrite I didnt place everything on here randomly. Its all strategically placed to where you get cover but its not to closed in. I actually did move all of the spawns and everything because before I made this map I deleted everything on the map in everygame type and I redid it all to how I wanted it. If you would download the map then you could see where I put the weapons. Nothing on this map is put in randomly even though it was easy to make I spent alot of time putting everything where I wanted
i like the originality of moving out of the box (literally) the only thing that could screw up gameplay would b the camping spot by the original shotgun. u put a gravlift there so it would b hard for peeps to come down. besides that, the map looks like it could add some cool twists.
Nice, you finally got it up. I played it in a custom game and the spawns are good. I liked the idea of the gravlift under the walk way, it will add a better aesthetic feel to the map. secondary protocol FTW...