
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Locke087, Mar 16, 2011.

  1. Locke087

    Locke087 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    updated for: Frame rate extermination, coving up the pool cover, improved cover/sight-lines, and a switch from plasma launcher to rocket.

    Video: rendered please watch
    Gameplay Video

    Loadout Camera/Rocket Launcher (all teams)
    Bird's Eye View
    [​IMG]Blue base
    Red base
    Inside Red base
    Sniper Rifle/ teleport to
    Lift Walkway
    Battle for the Rocket

    Map Desprition
    Enigmo is only TS map, it's design, and building have have consumed a lot of my life. this is the last map I will build in forge world until bungie give something that is not gray. Thought i will continue working on my existing ones. The weapons have distance measured according to initial spawn, and the sight line have become a more manageable(you know where your getting shot from now). It now has dynamic spawning so there are no lopsided sided teams. Asymmetrical. 8-12 is best It "works" for everything but invasion, race, and safe havens. but i only suggest it for Slayer, Bro Slayer, Oddball, Neutral flag/bomb, one sided flag/bomb, Headhunter, KOTH, and Territories. But I have have played slayer and swat on this so I don't know. Swat works, Mabye Snipers I don't know.

    Weapon Setup: T:Spawn Time C:Clips S:Standard
    4-6 Drms TS CS
    4-6 Needle Rifles TS CS
    2 Assault Rifles TS CS
    2 Plasma Rifles TS
    2 Needlers T45 CS
    2 Plasma Pistols T90
    1 Sniper Rifle T180 C1
    1 Shotgun T120 C1
    1 Rocket Launcher C0 T180

    #1 Locke087, Mar 16, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2011
  2. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The layout looks a bit sloppy, but the aesthetics are awesome and the gamplay looks like it would be smooth. I need to get a better feel for this map. Are there any framerate problems? Or Z-fighting? If so, you should think about fixing that, no one like a laggy map. All around, this map looks pretty good man. Welcome to forgeHub.
  3. Locke087

    Locke087 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Nope no Z fighting at all I made sure of that or frame rate as long as you are not in spilt screen.

    Edit: also please watch the video it is rendered and answers a lot of your questions Gameplay Video
    #3 Locke087, Mar 18, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2011

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