I would like to know, how do you maker energy doors lay flat on their sides? I am going to try to make a dodgeball-type mini game but will be unable to if I do not know how to do this.
Try putting a crate, or alternatively a stack of single walls. then balancing the sheild doors. I'm lost.. I'll figure something.
The save and quit method is how I align them. Although, its a good tip to sign in a guest controller to see if you're aligning it right. After saving and finding out your angle is no good can be frustrating.
i usually first stick the shield door flat on the foundry bsp walls then make it parallel. then i move over to where i want it w/o pressing the r trigger so i don't move it, then i save and quit.
Yep, just the good ol' save and quit. You can use walls to line them up, that is actually a good idea. By the way, there is a save and quit guide in 'Forging 101'. Advanced floating I think. Good luck.