Enemy Lines! Cross over enemy lines and get the bomb if you dare...or stay on your side, but you won't get anywhere. Made by x Da FUNK x [DiZfuNk] with help from infected6dreams This map is an assault gametype and so far it only has assault spawns. Based on feedback I may add gametypes and change things. I originally wanted to make a bomb map with my friend, so we decided to create this; enemy lines. There are BRs and assault rifles in the original gametype. It has 3 bomb plants to win with 2 rounds; each team gets a turn to defend and attack. In the attackers base there is one warthog and two mongooses. It has various weapons including an arsenal and various equipment. The broken fence was busted out by a truck. If you go out of the fence and to the right...you go up the stairs to the needler spawn and BR post. In the corner of the br post there is a hole...I am telling you this to get an edge on your friends. In the hole is a shotgun. Use the grav lift to get back out. To the left you can use the grav lift from the attacking base to get to the turret area and sniper post, also having access to the catwalk to the defending base. Up the other stairs is the defending base. The bomb spawns at the end of the walkway. There is a sniper tower, side base, ghost turret, and extra weapons. The catwalk is off the side base. Knock down the hanging mongeese to have access to them. The gameplay is slow with a smaller party, but with medium and larger parties it is surely fun. Feedback is great, I plan on making a v2. PICS: Attackers Base; [img width=800 height=600]http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t79/KoOLAiD789/27837926-Full.jpg[/img] This includes the fusion coil mechanism which you shoot down from the defending base. Needler spawn and BR post; [img width=800 height=600]http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t79/KoOLAiD789/27838016-Full.jpg[/img] The needler and plasma grenades spawn on the fence box, while the brs are behind that. It also has a small view of the battlefield. Turret post and sniper tower; [img width=800 height=600]http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t79/KoOLAiD789/27838032-Full.jpg[/img] This includes the sign A shotgun spawn, various weapons in the fence box, and above the fence box is the sniper. There is a 'catwalk' to the defenders base. Defenders base overview; [img width=800 height=600]http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t79/KoOLAiD789/27838150-Full.jpg[/img] The floating base includes the ghost turret, sniper tower, and more. Ghost turret close up and hanging mongeese in the background [catwalk area]; [img width=800 height=600]http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t79/KoOLAiD789/27838153-Full.jpg[/img] Up closer is the enclosed ghost acting as a nice working turret. Under that is the sniper tower. There is a slight view of the side base on the top right. You can see the catwalk with the hanging mongeese far off. If you look at the respawn points behind them is where the bomb spawns. It may change to up in the side base. Thanks for the time! Enjoy my map, and remember it is my first ever map and map post! DOWNLOAD LINKS: Download [size=12pt]Enemy Lines! Map variant[/size] Download [size=12pt]Force gametype variant[/size]
alright i like how you interlocked most of the map and that you used the outside of the base well. also i like how you used part of the back of the level and the broken fence. the ghost is also a good addition but i think the map just a bit to open maybe add some stuff on the ground level of the defenders base maybe a structure in the corner or a few bridges it's your choice but just add something in. and with the fusion coils maybe you should get rid of every second one just to make it a bit more fair.
I like your feed back, but with the fusion coils if you play it it's not that big of an explosion. And...with the scenery I tried but I had no money. I might delete some useless junk and make more scenery. Otherwise, thanks.
it looks really cool, i love the idea, cause im the sorta person to get in there and get out as quick as i can. so i think i will very much enjoy this one :]
I about downloaded just because cause of the rhyme at the beggining it made me lol But on a serious note, like others have stated, it is open and a lil too open for my liking Not taking away from your map, just not my style of play