Endwar ctf beta

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Combat P3nguin, Feb 12, 2009.

  1. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    Hey forgehub this is my new map ENDWAR CTF as from title it is a ctf map this is a beta version so therer will be no download for this time

    here are some deatils( Might change}


    10 br
    2 assult rifles
    2 sentanal beams
    1 rocket
    2 sniper
    1 shot gun
    4 maggnums
    2 neederlers


    10 plasma granades
    6 granades
    1 invislbilty

    And 2 wartogs here are some picture


    Thank you help me to create a better map by comenting there is no download link because this is a beta map
  2. JakeyFreeHa

    JakeyFreeHa Ancient
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    the looks of it look pretty good... very neat and well merged, can't wait to see the final product.
  3. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    Ok well, this looks like a pretty awesome map. However, you need a download link if you are going to put it in competitive or any maps section. If you wanted to give people a preview, post it in forge discussion or had over to the tester's guild and try to get a test on it. Put a download link on your thread or else your mapnis going to get locked. But otherthan tv download np being there, the rest of your post is up to standards and I would actually like to try it out.

    ^ you are the esence of why we can't have posts like "good geomerging 5/5". He didn't even post a download link and then you say "neat and well geomerged". Why even post?

    MAP MAKER Ancient
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    You should think about how the warhogs will effect gameplay, i would suggest trying it with gauss warthogs just to see if theres any real change in gameplay, also how easy it would be for a team to dominate with rocks and a warthog (if the other team didnt have one) check spawning and try simulations by signing in lots of guests or if you have friends unlike me lol then get them to stand still so you can get an idea of how the spawning will work with a warthog on the rampage, if you need anyhelp testing it i would gladly help but i go the RROD the other day so my xbox is in germany till further pissing notice!!! ARRGHH!

    The merging and the selection of structures though looks absolutly stunning, cud try a lazer insted of a rocket ... i dunno lol just jabbering on a bit now lol
    Safe though man good start!!!
  5. Running Chron

    Running Chron Ancient
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    This is the wrong place for this, if you are not going to provide a download link then this is going to be moved to forge discussion.

    #5 Running Chron, Feb 12, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2009
  6. soccerholic1816

    soccerholic1816 Ancient
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    You made a pretty good looking map, so why don't you try coming up with a good name. You sound totally unoriginal naming it Endwar CTF.

    If the mancannons are the only way on those towers, I'd bet they are broken. I don't know if the snipers are located on those towers, but they definitely should not be, and you will probably want to add a second way up to those towers, or at least less cover.

    So definitely pay attention to the towers during testing.

    As for aesthetics, the map looks pretty good from the pictures.
  7. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
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    this looks like a great map,but maybe just a little to open for ctf.If you know what i mean,when your running,you get shot in the back every time
  8. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    looks nice, could use a bit more cover though... I like the idea of the warthogs, that'll get the teams scared if a guy gets the flag and gets in a warthog!

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