Sandbox Endless v1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by CometCRAZIE33, May 16, 2009.

  1. CometCRAZIE33

    CometCRAZIE33 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey this is my first crack at Forgehub. i know my map is not up to some standards of other maps but i wont to see on how i can improve. so just let me know what i have to do to get better at forging.

    This is suppose to be an MLG map in the basement of Sandbox.
    4 br's
    2 maulers
    1 sniper <Link to Map

    It is not power weapon heavy so it is all bout your br in open space

    I tried to make the Map symmetrical with out looking exactly alike.
    Now the pics:
    Blue Base​
    Red Base​

    Red Base from center​

    Blue sniper tower​

    another pic of red base from top of blue base
    #1 CometCRAZIE33, May 16, 2009
    Last edited: May 17, 2009
  2. Eternal Reconnaissance

    Senior Member

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    Well to start making this better, first post some pictures from Here is a link to help you make put this up to standards: Bl00D F1RE's Guide. Fix this up and then we can see how this really is.
  3. CometCRAZIE33

    CometCRAZIE33 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks i am going there right now, okay it is showing up on my screen right now. i don't know how long it will stay.
    #3 CometCRAZIE33, May 16, 2009
    Last edited: May 16, 2009
  4. nbb311

    nbb311 Ancient
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    well i guess it looks to me like a quickly made thoughtless killhole. everything is much too random looking.

    maybe you could describe what your idea for the objects we see in the pictures are for objective-wise.

    also IMO blue base looks easier to win from where as red base looks prettier. making symmetrical maps that are not symmetrical gives players reasoning to cry about wich team they were on etc.

    IVIAJIK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ok here are some things to do better..
    need much more objects, building, etc because your map is very open
    make it look neater by merging some objects to eachother
    add some more dimensions to this. right now players will mostly be on the floor (boring) and if they aren't they will be one floor up.

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