End of the Line

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Draw the Line, Mar 4, 2008.

  1. Ocean Man

    Ocean Man Ancient
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    Amazing. This map is really fun to look at and play, it feels like a new map. Clever weapon and spawn placement. This should be featured for sure. Its is really neat and well put together. For a sidenote I was running around and I saw the switch for laser option appear for a second so I turned around to pick it up and was instantly confuzled. Then I did find it and thought that was really cool. Good job.

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    great aesthetics nice job i love the train
  3. The Dew

    The Dew Ancient
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    Nice train.
  4. iversonrocks03

    iversonrocks03 Ancient
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    dude this map is the best map I have played since I've been on this site, I love the train and everywhere you go, you learn something new about the map

    Everything is nice and neat thus making it smooth to play on

    I love how u used pallets to sort of hide things on the map

    I like the shotgun spawn espeacially. And also the flame thrower/ rockets spawn

    One question I have is are the firebomb nades sopossed to be headlights or something cause that's what I imagined when I saw them

    Great map
  5. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I'm glad someone noticed that small detail. Yes, they were supposed to represent old kerosene lanterns that were used on old locomotives during that era.
  6. iversonrocks03

    iversonrocks03 Ancient
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    Oh ok

    Well like I said before, great detail
    great map
  7. ValorousBob

    ValorousBob Ancient
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    WOW this looks amazing. I'm definately downloading this.
  8. RioT 17

    RioT 17 Ancient
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    This is really cool I don't think I've ever seen any thing like this. I really like this map Consider it downloaded.
  9. roh roh roh

    roh roh roh Ancient
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    wow haha this map looks so good! im liking the originality and overall look of the train and whatnot. you have my DL.
  10. Aristotle328

    Aristotle328 Ancient
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    wow, just wow
    qued fo sho. I'll see if i can give you a detailed review this weekend
  11. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Very cool. I'm looking forward to the review. Hopefully everyone enjoys the gameplay as much as the train!
  12. Rusty Keyes

    Rusty Keyes Ancient
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    Kudos on the train. Every compliment on this map has been well deserved.

    I am kind of disappointed though that it doesn't have more tunnels (I don't consider single open boxes to be tunnels in terms of the mine theme), or just tunnels going into dead ends with storage barrels and power weapons at the end, since it is supposed to be a collapsed mine next to that magnificent train. Oh well. I still love it.
  13. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    Someone loaded up this map a couple of days ago and without being told anything about what I was seeing, my first, instantaneous thought was oh look, a train!. I was then shot and killed by people who had better things to do than admire the scenery. End of the Line does a better job of making me forget I'm in Foundry than any map yet. The use of vertical space makes it feel more like Construct than anything else. Impressive, considering Foundry's low roof. Players are more drawn to the perimiter walkways and the marvelous sniper tower than to the floor. The train is just about perfect.

    The problems I have with this map are with some of your weapon placements. I saw where the rocket was hidden and thought it bordered on easter egg hiding, but decided to let it slide. Then I saw where the laser was. That is definately easter egg hiding. By that I mean, it's so hidden that players just jumping in will not find it, but players who know where to look will (trivial easter eggs like Shock's soccer balls are OK, power weapon easter eggs are bad). I know you're thinking that walking over it will reveal it with the HUD icon, but I still consider this to be easter egg hiding.

    Overall, I really love this map, it definately contributes something new. Technically, its a Foundry Competative, but manages to escape the origionality cut I usually give to these.

    Enjoyability: 8/10
    Durability: 10/10
    Aesthetics: 9/10
    Origionality: 9/10
    Balance: 7/10

    Pred's Overall Score: 8/10
  14. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I was wondering when the question of weapon placement was going to come into discussion. I think calling it an eater egg might not be entirely correct. Usually Easter eggs are placed in an out of the way area you have to actively work to get to.....usually. The Spartan Laser is in a high traffic area and the icon that appears when a player walks over it should be more than enough of an indication of where it is located. And I agree that a player may not know where it is when they first play the map, but can't you argue that about nearly any map?

    And thank you for the review, I appreciate it.
  15. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    chuga chuga chuga chooo chooo omg the train looks really well made so does the map overall including your interlocking and this has got my attention to download
  16. Atheos23

    Atheos23 Ancient
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    Thats the power of this map. If you do not appreciate the artistic appeal and constantly move around glancing at the center, even while playing, the map will eat your system.
  17. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    Oh, that's just me defining my own terms again. I do that to confuse people sometimes. Rally, I know easter egg is a term for an actual thing in a video game, but I also use the term to describe the game people play in forge of hiding weapons so only the creator can get to them. I seems like a good idea, but it's really bad form. You have a case for saying that that's not what you are doing here, but I think it's so boarderline that I had to point it out. I don't always see the icons like I sould in a hot battle. It's actually a cool little niche you made for it. Maybe you could put a more trivial egg in there.
  18. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Just in case people aren't able to find it (Spartan Laser) right away, I've posted a shot of its location in the main description area as well as the Bungie forums. That should solve potential problems/ issues.
  19. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    this looks really cool
    downloading it as soon as I get my 360 back
  20. SykoOne

    SykoOne Ancient
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    Wow this map is amazing. You did a very good job with interlocking. Im currently working on a map with a train in it. Yours came out great I hope mine does too.

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