Encroachment Created by BL00DREDD Map Description Medium sized symmetrical map with plenty of sight lines and close quarters for all types of play styles. Set in the ocean of Forge World, the map features a sunken pit in the middle and the main dance floor suspended in between the two bases. Weapons include DMR (6) Needle Rifle (6) Needler (2) Pistol (2) Plasma Pistol (2) Plasma Repeater (2) Sniper Rifle (2) Shotgun (1) Grenade Launcher (1) Layout view with walls removed Full view of the Center Front Base view View of a base Flag spawn and sniper spawn Top mid Top mid Flooded pit Thanks to anyone who downloads and I would appreciate any feedback on the map.
Well, I love how it looks. But I would really like to be able to have picture focus on pieces of the map. Its hard to tell what is in the map. Walkthrough?
No problem, added a couple more pics of the layout and one without decorations or walls so you can see the layout clearly