Hello this is sexy dude with his brand NEW map i have been making this for a day or 2 and i was really happy when i had finished it and could play on it with some good replys about the map The story behind it ever since the elites and brutes attacked spartans they always new that they might lose so then they built a groud to find the best spartans. to take them to battle. ___________________________________________________ what it can be played on i made the map so then it could be played on: oddball, king of the hill, Territories, slayer, 2VS 2 or 3 VS 3 and also shotty snipers ___________________________________________________ the weapons on this map the weapons are: 1 sniper 1 beam rifle 2 SMG 1 mauler 1 shotgun 1 sword 1 carbine 1 Battle rifle 1 palsma pistle 2 spikers 1 magnum and 1 needler ________________________________________________________________ the other bits there is one overshield 1 active camo 1 bubble sheild and 1 deployable cover ________________________________________________________________ the pics And here is the map link the link it here now http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=51419745
You should know by now that these posts need pics. I bet you'll get them up soon, but maybe you should wait till you have the pics to post the map.
You may want to interlock the double boxes used for the wall a bit better and add a bit more cover to the bottom area. I am also curious to find out what happens when you fall in the fence box that has pallets and Camo over top? If you have to kill yourself to get out, that needs to be changed, not a good concept for competitive maps.
looks like a nice balanced map for free for all or slayer, but it might also be interesting for Juggernaut.
This looks like a ton of fun for FFA. I also love your interlocking! Specially on the edges of the map. Does foundries barrier keep people from jumping out of the map?
yes it does which i am happy about lol i was worried at first wee could but then i put the barrier around it and then no one was getting out of the map
I played on this with you erlier and it was very good, quite a fun map but too many people in FFA, say more than 4 or 5 might make it a bit hectic. It's definitley worth the download though, I reccomend it!
I guess it could be good for some FFA matches or KOTH, though it seems that spawn killing could be a major issue when playing with big parties like 8 people. The maps layout looks a bit to open for a small map like this and you should maybe add some cover on those Double Boxes, and some cover on the ground. The layout looks good, but maybe add some cover on a few spots.
I lik the pallet bridge which leads to a fence box......i never thought of that lol Also, the gameplay looks VERY good!!!! it has lots of cover too
also i forgot to say can you give me more feedback on how to make it better cause i am going to make a V2 maybe tomorrow
I'll help you out with the V2 if you want, I'll probably be on tomorow morning again, and I'll defnitly be on later so if you need me just send me an invite.
okay this map is "sexy" i really like it but it could have been better by interlocking the wall into the ground but that would have taken a long time and i know i would never have done it so, ya. anyways i like the suicide or grenade jump out pit
Looks nice I like the interlocking although it could use a little more work Hey I have a map called enclosed...posted like a couple months ago.
pic #2, i see a way out of your map, do you? jump on the corner hanging out, jump to the double wall on top, jump out over the boundary
Looks fun for FFA but i think it's kinda sloppy by the looks of the double boxes and but the single open boxe theres a small space, nothing speical realy but looks fun. Nice job.