Enclosed 1 on 1 Created by Eguitarplaya33 Supported Gametypes: Slayer ( 1 on 1 ) Map Description This map is specifically made for 1 on 1 matches, to challenge your friends. This is my second map I have posted, my first map ( Double Check ) was a map built for more players, so basically this is my first 1 on 1 map. In the map there is a underground tunnel where the shotgun is located. It also is placed near the middle of the map to allow both players a equal chance toward it. There are three pillars of different sizes on the map, the tallest one has a brute shot on it, and the smallest has a bubble shield. The map is escapable, I made it this way purposely, because it allows players to exit, and you can take the teleporters outside the map to get back in. There are no frag grenades due to the size of the map, they can be hard to dodge. Weopons: Battle Rifles *4 Shotgun *1 SMG *2 (next to each other) Spikers *2 (next to each other) Plasma Pistol *1 ( on crate ) Brute Shot *1 Grenades Spike Grenades *3 Plasma Grendades *2 (Both Spread out across map) Equipment Bubble Shield *1 Regenerator *1 Overshield *1 ( 120 second respawn time) (overshield is orange, bc it was mixed with a custom powerup.) _________________________________________________ Overview of Map #1 Overview of Map #2 Shotgun Spawn Picture of Orange Overshield Outside of Map, with teleporters 3 Pillars Action Shots Using my Shotee Shooting Plasma Pistol at Me with Overshield btw he missed haha! Stick inside Bubble Shield Aiming at Enemy in the air Picture of Creator _________________________________________________ Please let me know any corrections on the map that can be made. That way I can fix them and release a V2! V2 is Finished and has been released click the link below to Sanskrit. Sanskrit
dude having multiple powerups in one spot, doesnt let the other one load...like if i pick up an overshield, and then halfway as it is fillnig my shield bar up, i pick up an active camo, your shields stop going up, and stay where they are...i suggest you only get that one overshield there, and thats it...otherwise, i really like the shotgun thing! 4/5! PS feel free to give me + rep for all the haters i saved you from now (saying hey overshields dont work!!!) EDIT: a MUST is to make the walls higher, and delete those teleporters...you can even play around, and leave one outside, and make a death spawn outside in v2...you can...SHOULD add aesthetics to your map, and that should be good....make a BUNCH of spawns, as it is an enclosed 1v1....
This map is a little simple. It's just a box with various cover spots and no ramps. I guess that's ok, but then you didn't add a roof, like you got lazy near the end of making it and just wanted to post it. Edit: Also, you're only supposed to have the map name as the title. If you politely ask a mod to change it for you, you can avoid an infraction.
Nice, I like the use of interlocking looks very smooth. I agree with sdrakulich the overshield might be screwed up, but good job. The only problem is that the wall needs to be taller you might jump over by accident and screw up your game. Other than that this is a sweet map! 4.5/5
I'm kind of afraid that the shotgun spawn will be a big camper zone, and can you get out? Otherwise, you may need to raise the bridge a little higher. But otherwise, its very smooth, so nice job!
Well actually enclosed 1 on 1 is actually the name of the map, i guess it could be just enclosed but i was afraid that name would be taken
Looks too small, even for 1 on 1 games. Especially for the size, I'd say a shotgun is a no-no. It looks VERY, VERY, easy to escape, you should work on that. 1.5/5
So should i replace the shotgun with a mauler maybe, and add small rooms on different sides of the map to make it better. Thanks for the comment tho, i will release a v2 with those corrections
Very nice I will download but if u are makin a V2 then make the walls higher as in the pics, u can jump on the doors an ur out. simple as 1,2,3. 4/5 and when u post this map again, and the walls are higher then I might giv u 5/5 just make the walls higher kk!
Many people seem to complaion about escaping, but why would anyone escape on a 1 v 1 map. really good job, hope you make a better 1 v 1 map. Because I can't
Ok people are not reading your post. you should put in there in super bold letters "THIS MAP IS SUPPOSED TO BE ESCAPEABLE". I can tell because of the comments written. a lot of people just look at pictures. Ok now to the coments about this map. This map is very well built but the idea of having that many power-ups is a little crazy for such a small map. I kind of like the idea of getting out of them map buttttt........it is a problem. The fact that when you do get out of the map theres nothing in it but open space besides the map (thing you built) itself.f your going to have thene get out of your map have more under it so people don't just camp outside. This could seriously be a problem if you do not change it. Either you make objects outside of your map or you either make it so they cant get out because if you dont this would be well kinda not fun. Dont worry about weapons yet, fix you map and then you can start worrying about details. right now this map remains at about a 3/5. Also the problem about getting out of the map is that its so easy which means people are just gonna be jumping out like nothing.
Wow I really like this map! Its nice and small and I bet it would be fun to play on local! I am always eager to see nice small enclosed maps but they usually aren't what I expect but I am happy to say that this is not another one of those kinds of maps! Great Job! P.S. you could of come up with a better name though...
shotty is a no and also i don't like how easy it is to escape from it i would fix that and i mean really fix that.
looks like a lot of fun but also it looks way to easy to get out. 4/5 cuz it looks too easy to get out
This looks like the best built 1v1 map I've seen in a while! It looks compact and merged to perfection. 5/5
Ok, once again, its ok If you get out of the map, who would want to get out of the map on a 1 on 1 anyway. Thanks for the comments
would have been nice to see the walls higher and a little bit more stuff than just an open place with very little cover to be shot in overall 3.5/5