Enclave Created by TG Eulogy Supported Gametypes: Mainly objv (CTF, Ball, KotH) but plays slayer just as well meant for 2v2, 3v3, and 4v4 Map Description -Blue and red, perfectly symmetrical sides -small and compact -plenty of places to fall if you don't watch your step -plenty of ammo: 1 rocket, sniper, and mauler. 2 carbines and plasma -pistols and plenty of BRs, frags, and plasma scattered over the map Sorry about the pictures being in forge, i thought i was the best way to capture the map, you can also the awesome spawns Overview 1 Overview 2 Red side, base view (blue is identical) Perspective view This is a V1, so nothing negative . If you have any constructive feedback, suggestions, ect. please tell. I will ignore any input from players that have not DL'd and played on the map Download ENCLAVE
put more pics of the place with different views and maybe some pics of a test play then i will tell u more
It kind of reminds me of Assembly with all the cover thats low to the ground, but without the Teapot. There are a few spots where the lights are where one could hide with the Oddball and then when in danger, could easily jump off that you might want to fix.
it looks like its just been thrown together from the views of the camera defiantly get better shots and re upload =)
ill try to get some actions for you all. give me a day or two I have updated this map a great deal and will be putting action pics up soon. A bunch of fixes include: less spaces to fall trhough, more open areas, fixed spawning, additional areas, and more. new map w/ pics to come Link updated with new map. ill get pics up some