Sandbox Enclave

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by cluckinho, Aug 4, 2010.

  1. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Player Count: 2-6

    Supported Gametypes: FFA, Team Slayer, Multi Flag, Team KoTH, Crazy King

    Recommended gametypes: Team KoTH, Multi Flag

    L oh 4chub. After going through rigorous testing, Enclave is finally ready for release. It's an asymmetric Forerunner battleground perfect for 3v3 KoTH. Along with KoTH being supported, Multi Flag and Slayer is too, but we had the best time playing the two supported objective games on it.

    CAPN and I tried to make a Forerunner theme like my previous map, but this time we made the theme more present throughout the map. We tried to go for a Narrows theme with a Blackout/Guardian layout, and we feel that this map combines all three maps fairly well.

    Weapon/Equipment list:
    BR - 30s - x6 - 2 spare clips
    Sniper - 90 - 1 - 1
    Sword - 120 - 1
    Plasma Pistol - 45 - 2
    Regenerator - 90 - 1
    Bubble Shield - 90 - 1
    Plasma Nades - 4 -10













    Big thanks goes to the Tester's Guild for their great feedback on the beta version of Enclave.

  2. Oo iRoNy oO

    Oo iRoNy oO Ancient
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    Wow that was quick. Feels almost like yesterday that I tested this puppy out. Anyways, this map was hella fun to play on , so I'll definitely give it a home in my harddrive. Nice job!
  3. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
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    I seen this in a map preview, and the side things that go to the top still look sketchy. Maybe you could place Stone bridges between the two so that you won't fall off as much?
  4. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    @Irony, thanks. Pretty much everything that you suggested was implemented, making this an even better map

    @cheese, [​IMG]
  5. The Nasal Abyss x

    Senior Member

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    Nice and simple. Looks like it flows similarly to that of Guardian or Lockout, which is always a good thing. Nice, circular motion. I do love the arch, too. I don't see much of a point in putting the sword down in a pit that you have to jump in/out of, though. Seems like it's an unnecessary risk/reward factor addition.
  6. Shenanigans.nom

    Shenanigans.nom Ancient
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    Love the look of the map, and i want a test, but the upside-down stone platforms could be a place to hide in doubles once in the lead, same with the area u circled in 2 posts above, you could hide below in the corner of the columns.
  7. InflatedBuxom

    InflatedBuxom Ancient
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    Very nice and cool map. Looks a little too small for my tastes but that's good since its hard to gather up a lot of people sometimes, so small parties are ideal. I really like the arch too. This map looks a ton better than that horrible map recently posted called 'Twistent' Good job I give this map 3.5/5

    MMMMMM Forerunner

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    I think i really do like this map. but my question is does is play good. the object used int he arch that is in the sky could have been used to make the whole map is play better than it does now. also is looks Extremly small for a big map that you made. those arch object arent really needed that much and they can be done for to sacrifice this map to make better. if i can help you test it since this map isnt good i can but send me a freind request my name is alwayswins123. thank you if i play.
  9. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    @Shenanigans, good observation, but everything that looks like a hiding spot is below the grid, making the player die when they land on them.

    @Buxom, thanks but don't go dissin' on somebody's map.

    @ABunchOfM's, Please clarify your post as it makes little sense. And assuming that it isn't a good map is ignorant unless you play on it.

    CAPNxXxCANT Forerunner

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    Yea guys, if you're just going to look at the pictures, comment on the way it looks not how it looks like it would play. The one commentor that actually played the map before he commented said it was very fun to play. Don't judge gameplay before you play it
  11. TheKingOfCrash7

    TheKingOfCrash7 Forerunner

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    i like the look of this map. the arch looks cool and the sword thing is original (but i dont think that the jump out of that pit would be fun with everyoneshooting at u...) also the columns under that circle in the picture would be a legit hiding spot lol. Havent played it yet but im thinking sword + overshield up high = ninja stabbing action on people below them. All in all a good custom game map prolly, not so much for competitive gameplay though... 4/5

    CAPNxXxCANT Forerunner

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    Why dont you play on the map before judging its competitive capabilities? The people ive played with say they really like it, especially KotH. The sword pit is like knee deep, I dont get why some of you are saying that that would effect gameplay. Also, we've already explained that the columns are under the grid, so you would die if you jumped down there. Let the testers guild do their job and figure out if those are actually problems for gameplay, as they really are not
  13. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    The finished product looks amazing! The gameplay was great and the layout reminded me a lot of Guardian. I'm glad you added a little color because it makes the map look all that much better. Also I see you changed sword spawn so you can actually tell when it spawns.

    Looks like you listened to the TG ideas and implemented them quite well.
  14. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Thanks nibs.
    Two people that have actually played it really had fun playing on it. The people that haven't played on it keep saying that their is problems when they haven't even tried it. Just give it a chance and it'll definitely be worth your while.
  15. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    Official Review


    [highlight]Enclave Review[/highlight]

    What is there to say about Enlcave? Well, it's a small asymmetric skybubble map, supports two to six players, and actually delivers some decent gameplay. Throughout the course of the games played, both teams seemed to be relatively happy to play the map; not once did anyone voice a complaint about the three consecutive games in a row. That alone is unspoken acceptance, either they were happy to play it again, or they were neutral. A couple nice things that you've added to the map are the railings and the little "jump up" column structures along the sides. It's great to be able to run and strafe freely without worry of falling off, and then adding a nice tactical jump to flank your clueless victims on top of that, excellent. However, keep in mind that this map is not perfect, there are a decent amount of things that should be addressed if you wish to make a version two, but as mentioned earlier, it plays pretty well as is.



    Enclave boasts a nice layout that keeps all players moving simultaneously, all the while camping with the sword didn't appear to be a problem. The sword itself, on the other hand, was a great problem. It ruled over the playing field greatly, without BR starts, the short and narrow passages make it nearly impossible to successfully kill the wielder before he is close enough to lunge. At this point some players in the game actually resorted to reverse camping, waiting for the sword carrier to walk around a corner oblivious, then sticking him with a plasma grenade. The sword should be removed, or you should employ another technique to make it less powerful, the games played would have went much better without it.



    As previously mentioned, the sword on this map was its biggest flaw, but that has already been covered well enough.

    A handful of spawns (three or four) are fairly confusing, facing outward from the map, down a ramp, or a nearby object, keep in mind that players (almost) always walk forward immediately upon spawning. Making sure that players spawn facing their objective will defeat a lot of confusion. Another thing to note is that the initial camera angle is completely horizontal; spawning facing upward or downward ramps will result in some negative feedback. New players to any map don't know what to expect upon spawning, and when they hold forward on their joystick and run off a ramp immediately and begin to fall, confusion will arise.



    The aesthetics of Enclave aren't spectacular, the only noticeable things added completely for look are the two giant gold arches and the dropdown grassy area containing the sword. However, these are things we have all seen before. The railings and tall straight walls are a nice touch, but again, they're not the most spectacular things to set your eyes upon. In the future try adding in more original aesthetic pieces, and since you have budget remaining this shouldn't be a problem.



    Enclave hasn't really gone off on its own; we have seen most aspects of this map in various other creations around ForgeHub. The only thing that appears to be fairly original to this map are the tactical jump wings, but we have even seen similar adaptations elsewhere. While its okay to base your map concepts off of others, it's equally important to attempt to get some original aspects thrown in.



    Anyone reading this that is on the fence about going through the three to four clicks of your mouse to queue this map for download should get onto downloading this. While its nothing spectacularly original, it still plays FFA and small team games well.

    Enjoyment: [​IMG]

    Balance: [​IMG]

    Durability: [​IMG]

    Aesthetics: [​IMG]

    Originality: [​IMG]


  16. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    First off, thanks for the review Noxiw, although I was a bit shocked after seeing such a low score.

    @ Balance, I wasn't all to surprised to hear that the Sword was a bit of a problem. I just wished that I had gotten more tests on it before I released it, and with H3 slowly losing its players, a game was really hard to come by.

    @ Durability, again, I'm surprised, but not by a low score, a high score. Spawns are really a bit of an issue for me, even though I've been forging now for like 2 1/2 years. Thanks for not making it too low.

    @ Aesthetics, I was truly shocked when I saw this rating. I would have add sooo many more aesthetics but I somehow hit the object limit at like 250 bucks, and I thought I did a little better in this area than the score reflects.

    @ Originality, With Halo 3 coming to an end I really dont think their is gonna be but a handfull of original maps and I think you should've graded a little bit more lightly in this category.

    All in all, I'm a bit surprised with the less than average review of Enclave, but I'm very grateful that you chose my map to review on your own time. Thanks
  17. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    It's never fun to deliver a score that I know the authors aren't going to like, but there just my honest thoughts about the subject. As for you saying you hit the Limit with 250 dollars to go, did you use OLN things? Probably would have resolved that issue.
  18. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    No I didn't, but I really wish I had

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