En veux-tu de "l'Or?"

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by maximal terror, Nov 20, 2011.

  1. maximal terror

    maximal terror Forerunner

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    ( Yes, I speak french. I have a feeling the verb is misspelled though? )

    Anyways, after playing a week of MW3, finally decided to post my map. It's called "L'Or." ( AKA Gold. ) The map has a nice Next Gen FX, and is built in the Collisseum section of Forge World. I tested it with 3 friends ( 4 person FFA ) and worked fine. Pretty Much no one needed Grenade Launchers, and usually when I got the sniper, I'd be forced to "No Scope" some people.

    The map is Symmetrical. ( Ahem* Not completely, because I didn't use Coordinates... That's why the rocks might not mirror each-other. Although, it didn't really make much of a deal.)
    The weapon list is: ( Meant for 4v4 ) ( Edited )
    2 Plasma Rifles
    2 Grenade Launchers
    2 DMRs
    2 Needler
    6 Stickies
    4 Frags

    Before I start showing pics, when I tested the map, I had 4 turrets... Didn't work out so much. So where you'd normally them, you'd now find 2 Stickies and a ( Magnum/Plasma Rifle ). Also, Camping is really difficult. If 4 person FFA was difficult, ( I had a hard time finding people. Had to run the whole map as my friends would kamikaze, and the map's symmetry... ( Sort of symmetrical... ))

    Overview. Note The Archs around the center, the corner bunkers and the bases.

    At each base, a team spawns. ( Red VS Blue. ) There is a mongoose on each side ( For people who like fooling around ) and 2 frags, a dmr and a grenade launcher.
    ( Edit: No Mongoose, no Grenade Launcher )

    At each corner of the map, there will be a bunker. The right bunkers have a plasma rifle and 2 stickies. The left bunkers have a magnum and 2 stickies.
    ( Edit: Made own bunkers, 1 sticky each, and magnum became Grenade Launcher. )

    The most popular section of the map, the sniper. 2 arches hold up an X shaped walkway. It holds 2 fusion coils to fend off campers, 2 plasma pistols, 1 sniper and 4 stickies... ( I've ran to the sniper too many times just to die on those thin archs. )
    ( Edit: Sniper is now Energy Sword, 1 sticky on the side of the Plasma Pistol. ( 2 Stickies )

    Any tips and suggestions would be gladly accepted. Yes, there is too much cover. ( Since my other map, Metropolitana, I learn't how to get outside of HUD! :/ ) Any tips for a better description?

    Download Link: Bungie.net : Reach : Service Record
    Special Thanks to one of my good friends, for inspiring me to make this map.
    #1 maximal terror, Nov 20, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2011
  2. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Cool map you got here. I'll give feedback based on what I see in the screenshots and edit it later when I've played the map. note most of this is personal preference.

    I like that you used colors on your pieces. I could clearly tell what the color theme was.

    the weapons seem a bit....sketch. I mean that's a BIG weapon list for such a small map. I would definitely cut down on grenades because 12 plasmas is to much even for a large map. maybe put 1 or 2 in each base and another 2 in the center.

    the sniper rifle doesn't seem like it would be worth the risk to get. the map looks very mid-ranged and snipers are really only good for long-range. I would replace that with a different power weapon.

    grenade launchers, in my opinion, are power weapons thus shouldn't be placed near the spawn. heck I don't even think you should put them on the map, but if you want to I would remove the magnums and place them there.

    I don't think you explained where the needle rifles are, but I'd take those out since you already have dmrs.

    the mongooses don't serve a purpose in this map whatsoever. you'd either have to have some kind of addiction to them or just be messing around to even think about getting in one.

    4v4 is kind of too big for this don't you think? I think it would be a hectic game of grenade and AR spamming. 2v2 might be better judging by the size of the map.

    people around here don't like the premade buildings for some reason so I'd remove those and construct your own bases and bunkers.

    you could do better with the rocks. add something to them because right now they just look like....rocks thrown around. they don't feel like a part of the map.

    sorry for all the paragraphs, I like to stay as organized as possible. all in all it's a good map. I'll add some more once I take a look at it.
  3. maximal terror

    maximal terror Forerunner

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    Thanks for the advice. I guess it would be better for 2v2. I will try to rearrange the weapons and stickies... Come to think of it, it is a lot.

    The rocks were thrown in sort of last minute, as I found the massive amount grey and long alley ways were to "open." What do you mean by "add something?"

    And I will make the bunkers, but the base, I was hoping it would look like that... ( Plus, I don't think I have enough pieces to put them same. )

    I forgot to place weapon times, and ammo. Grenade launchers have 1 minute respawn ( I'm pretty sure... ) and 1 extra shot, and usually it works best bouncing off of walls... I like the idea of putting it in place of the magnums.

    I also forgot to show the huts where the Needle Rifle, Needler and Man Cannon to the sniper... I will think of how to work that out.

    Also, the mongoose was my friends idea. Then I tested it, and he fooled around with it... It's more of a friend's habit to fool around on there. Yea, I will take it out. ( I also left it before I added rocks to get a good rush to the other base, and grenade launcher to stop them in CTF. But, I haven't been able to do so, as I got confused when making bases. They look the same! )

    Weapon List, will be revised, and really shrunk. That, was what I did for the first time. I have been trying to make 4v4 maps, but now that I look all my maps over, they mostly profit 2v2... I will also maybe take advantage of the cover. so i will change sniper for the sword.

    Sorry I'm all over the place.
  4. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Glad to help :) I took a look at the map, but I think I covered just about everything already. another reason why I say delete the needle rifle is because precision weapons are never good to have at high elevations.

    the fusion coils are good. they prevent camping, but do you think where you have them now is the most heavely camped spot?

    what I mean by "add something" is add onto the rocks so that they don't feel out of place. if the map were outside, where rocks naturally are, it would make more sense. it's hard to explain. I'd be willing to show you so if you want, add me on XBL.

    the bunkers really do have potential though. If you built those up and added better aesthetics that would really boost the quality of the map.

    I'm terrible with the spawning system so I'm not even going to touch on that :p
    #4 Auburn, Nov 23, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2011
  5. maximal terror

    maximal terror Forerunner

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    Near the side buildings and their teleporters, it isn't easy to camp there nonetheless. I will take out the needle rifle up top too.

    I understand what you mean now by add something. Since the map is indoors, it's lacking something. When I get around to it, I will make some changes to it. I've got an idea.

    I've also got an idea for the bunkers... Sadly, not sure how much budget I have :/

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