Well me and my friend made this circular arena and it's all interlocked. Would you use it if I published it? I will probably publish the blank arena once we make our own map out of it...like a level arena type thing. Its got 3 levels of interlocked double boxes around the edge so...would you use it? Just wondering. - DaFUNK
I don't understand how it would be a base. It isn't accessible from the outside, because it is 3 stories high...so...
Teleporters would work. What ideas did you already have in mind for the arena? What shape is it in? Oval? Square? Hexagon? What internal features are included? Ramps? Shield doors? Etc, etc, etc... More info would help us to determine if it is worth Forging on, and also some pics. Thanks. --dc
Yeah, i like the sound of it. I like things like that, as i use them to practice, seeing what i can do with it. Yeah, go for it!
I've already seen this, the guy attempted to make a contest to see who could make the best map with his circle but it didn't get anywhere. Somebody also made a dome with the same purpose, which is very cool. I forget his name.