Since this thread is nonexistent (A search only threw out Rome: Total War) I thought I'd make one. For those of you who don't know what it is: It's a ten dollar (?) Steam game from quite a long time ago. It's something like Risk or Diplomacy (also an old game) where you play in a campaign in an attempt to take over the world. It's set in the 18th century. You get to choose one of the major countries, and there are three main theaters of war: America, Europe, and India. Also, the diplomacy is quite complex - you're not just automatically at war with everyone like you are in Risk. One has relationships that start before and during the game. There's also a LOT of strategy involved, more so than in Risk. I'm looking to post a Youtube video of it, but the ones I've seen so far are by inexperienced players who have no idea what they're doing. Here's one that's actually OK: Empire Total War - Grand Campaign - Ottoman - Part 1 [HD] - YouTube So, to start off some discussion: What are your favorite countries to play with? I prefer Prussia and the United Provinces. Although the start is rough, when played right, you can do incredibly well.