Emergency Grifball Roster Sign up

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Sgt Surchin, Oct 2, 2010.

  1. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    so i messed up a little. being the procrastinator i am, i waited too long to sign up for the fall ametuer grifball league. my roster is a little short and i don't have much time for testing the skill of applicants. if anyone would be willing to help out by joining the team, that would be FANTASTIC. the team plays usually on days between friday and sunday (Friday 11:00 PM EST, Saturday 4:00 PM EST, Sunday 7:00 PM EST). there is usually one game a week so don't worry about having to play friday saturday AND sunday, because you won't. if you could please sign up for the roster on this thread, thank you.

    here is the format for signing up:

    Gamertag: (gamertag here)
    Time Zone: (time zone here)
    Skill: (rate on a scale of 1-10)

    Added after 10 Hours 15 minutes:

    so i guess no one wants to join. :/ :lock:
    #1 Sgt Surchin, Oct 2, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2010

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