I like Scarred the most. I like how the orange strike is the focus, but everything else tends to stand out as well.
The first and second are alright but they arent really anything special. I really like the third though. The mist makes the armor and pistol look all HQ and scarred.
Thanks for the comments guys, glad you liked them! =) Well, I used a map that Leeumm gave to me. It has good effects (Juicy, Gloomy, and Pen and Ink) set up and its in the dark room on ghost town. I threw a flare then threw a spike grenade behind my guy. I waited until the end of the explosion and got a shot with a spike flying by his head.
The first and last are the greatest. Mist is a clear winner though. How did you get the mist? Cuz I had a thought you broke an Iceicle on Avalanche.
Well its really hard to explain but in the dark room on Ghost Town, you need juicy, gloomy, and pen and ink on and you throw a power drain. At the perfect timing of when the power drain explodes and the perfect angle it should look like this!