Sketchup & Completion: Eluveitie **Ready (Pretty much) for some very Alpha tests. You can message me on XBL if you wanna test tomorrow evening (Friday the 28th)** Hey Guys, It's been a long time since I've posted here. With Halo:Reach fast on approach, I made up my mind to finish at least one of my unfinished maps. Eluveitie is a Foundry map I've been sitting on for over a year. Yeah, that's a long time. It was practically complete, but I decided it would be a failure if I didn't redesign a section of the map. So I began to use sketchup for a design to fit the map. One thing lead to another and before I knew it I had streamlined the entire map pretty significantly. Overview Overview Attackers' Base - The top is accessible via grav lift hole in the top left corner of the base. Attacker's Base Attacker's Base Mid - Ghost Spawns on the horizontal double box between the two vertical ones. The boxes and corner wall tower will be able to be scaled via grav lift. Defender's Base - Looking under Defenders' Ramp Opposing view of previous pic The second floor of the Defenders' Base Overhead view of Defenders' Base Pretty cool. Eluveitie was designed with CTF/Assault in mind, but I expect it should work with almost all gametypes. The main floor is relatively open to provide space for the ghost and the openness should direct the flow of the map according to plan. I don't expect this map to be considered "great" but I do think the sheer hours of effort deserve a public release. I may be able to forge this new version from the almost complete version I have on my HD, but I may also have to start from the ground up. I plan to release this before the Beta Launch, but I have been sitting on this for over a it might be wise not to expect an on time delivery. I suppose Eluveitie is subject to name change since it is pretty hard to pronounce. It's named after a band I enjoy, in the nature of the rest of my maps' names (Behemoth, Carcass, Ensiferum). Tasty folk metal. Check 'em. YouTube - Eluveitie - Your Gaulish War[Music Only] I would like to thank very much Fritzster for his Foundry Sketchup environment and Insane54 & Pegasi Delta and whomever else helped with the Map Design writeup. From strolling about my Sketchup I feel the Field of Vision for players is much better than I expected. Eluveitie would not become nearly as good of a map had that writeup not existed. Thanks for your time viewing this thread. Status: -80% Completion - Attacker's Base needs to be finished. - One of the two areas needs to be blocked off. - Defender's Base needs to be refinished. Everything else has come together nicely so far, almost identical to the sketchup.
:O Wow, this looks amazing. I have no real suggestions or improvements except maybe put a little bit more cover on the ground floor. I really hope you can make this.
I <3 Eluveitie xD (and behemoth and carcass and enfiserum) and I love your sketchup, so I guess I'm in love wth you <3 the only negative point that im seeing so far is that the upper right corner is pretty empty so far
Is that based on the first picture? Because from the first picture I'd say the bottom left corner is looking bare. Other than that, this looks really interesting.
the top right corner is purposely blocked off and empty.. and tbh yea the bottom left does LOOK a little bare, but i think if this map is used for asymmetric gametypes, primarily one-flag, then using the bottom left corner effectively will be pivotal in winning the game, and it will be always be a good feature to the map. So in my opinion, nothing needs to change
Thanks for the feedback dudes, it's inspiring to know people look forward to this. As for the apparent bareness of that one corner, Comis pretty much said what I think will happen with it in-game. It should work with the rest of the map how I want it to. But if for some reason it doesn't, I have enough items and hopefully enough ideas to alter it for the better. As for you, i5m KS LD,.... I hail thee.
i'm thinking the same but i don't want it to be rushed either. Just make sure it is tested properly and that you act on the feedback and not just acknowledge it.
Yeah, sorry. I'm finishing up school (finals week right now) and after I get out on Thursday I plan to finish it up to be tested for the weekend. But I'm glad to hear you guys are looking forward to it, it's a great help. Thanks!