Eh guys, I'm the Soviet Skibum. Feel free to call me Noah. I'm not actually Russian, I just think that communist flags happen to have excellent color schemes. I just found out about Forge Hub so I'm kinda' psyched that there's an entire community that actually likes sitting around and making maps for hours on end. I've been making maps since the good 'ol days of Time Splitters 2 and Command and Conquer. In Forge I mostly just make zombie maps, but lately I've taken a liking to offense/defense maps. That's about all I can think of at this hour, but I hope to all convert you to communism some time in the near future. By the way, there are WAY too many squirrel icons up there. (so distracting)
LOLZ for da squirrels... Welcome sir communist. I hope you enjoy the community that we offer here and that you may have a good stay. The AZN departs...