Elites "Capturing" Human Weapons in Invasion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by seredhras, Jun 29, 2011.

  1. seredhras

    seredhras Forerunner

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    Ok, so I am working on an invasion map (which may not end up finished, as per most of my projects since I get bored putting down spawns/respawn zones/objectives) and I have the Spartans defending, partly because the plasma cannon feels ineffective and partly because the Elite weapons are crap so I need to give them better weapons sooner but then they get an advantage unless I match weapon advancement in which case Spartans get an advantage, also because defenders should feel powerful but also disadvantaged (better weapons versus elites feeling more powerful)

    so my plan was to give the Elites a NR and camo loadout and a needler and plasma pistol loadout in phase 1 while just giving the Spartans their standard loadout

    but the human weapons are so superior that I want to give some to the Elites as pickups

    my plan for this (everything up until now was backstory) was to make phase 1 a territory objective with the objectives (in the storyline of the map) being a pair of weapon crates which the elites are going to secure (by capturing the territory) and then break open (when the weapons spawn), and without these weapon reinforcements the Spartans are forced to fall back since they won't be able to hold the front lines

    my question: is this a viable workaround to give the Elites human weapons or does this sound dumb/tacky/other-derogatory-term?

    obviously the Spartans get their own set of weapons and a superior vehicle set

    I understand that map layout affects this, and I went sort of long winded to explain myself

    edit: also, thanks to everyone who will read this and possibly comment
  2. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    You could give Elites four plasma grenades if you think that would help.

    Never allow the Elites to spawn with or near Spartan weapons. If they get deep into Spartan territory and capture a Spartan weapon, or if a Spartan drives deep into Elite territory and drops a weapon, then it is all fair game. But to spawn near a Spartan weapon is not good for cohesion with the story line or the game type.
  3. TCD

    TCD Forerunner

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    Story wise, use of a human weapon by covenant forces is complete heresy. An honourable elite would rather fight with his fists than with a fully loaded Rocket Launcher.
  4. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    I would not advise giving Elites Spartan weapons, unless it is very obvious as to why they have them. Elites usually have an equivalent in every situation. Just some stats from my Elite spartan testing.

    Elites can only take one more DMR and Needle Rifle bullet, and only two more AR bullets.

    In the end, they're pretty much the exact same, and almost every weapon has an equivalent.

    A better question is... what weapons/Vehiculars would you give each and how is the map laid out?
  5. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    When bungie developed the changes in the species, this was one of the key dofferences.
    - Elites are physically dominate, but Spartans are technologically (?) dominant.
    Yes the human weapons are better.
    No dont give them to the dinos. If my math is correct:

    Physical dominance + Weapon dominance > Weapon Dominance

    The bottom line is your spartans would always lose if the teams were evenly matched on a skill level.

    Balance is key: Dino guns for dinos, people guns for peoples
  6. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I would say that physically they are equal, because Spartans are smaller targets and only very slightly slower.
  7. seredhras

    seredhras Forerunner

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    I understand what you are saying and am going to rebuild the map around the idea of elites having 4 stickies (or 3 if it works better, thank you MrGreenWithAGun) but my reasoning was that while some covenant weapons are approximately equal to their cou terparts, like the NR and FRG, most weapons the covenant get simply can't face up with their counterparts, especially the sword (vs shotty) and focus rifle (vs sniper) in the situations they were designed to be used for in an invasion setting where Spartans defend

    I understand elites get a bonus off the start with full health recharge and faster shields, but when it comes down to it, the shotgun, sniper, sticky, rockets, and fuel rod put the species on equal settings and the Spartans just come out ahead

    the best example would be invasion slayer, where the Spartans usually dominate (revenant drops would be a huge equalizer though) unless they get forced into a spawn trap or the Elite team is way better
    but when Elites get Spartan drops (in Invasion Skirmish) the playing field is much more equal

    but I love MrGreen's idea and am happy to change my heretic ways when so many people give me similar advice

    kind of long but I suffer from verbal diarrhea and just felt the need to tell everyone what they already knew

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