Ok well some of you may remember my Armor Fusion map and might have used it to get some cool screen shots. Well as most of you know it just didnt seem to work with elites and spartans. Well I just decided to release the map today. Pic of turrets Pic of what you can make Main Thread on B.net (comments would be nice) DOWNLOAD LINK Enjoy! PS: The thread on b.net is taking community fusion for the front page and expect the 3-4 way fusion map soon too
alot of people seem to like it the first one hit the 2000 mark not to long ago but its still far off from some of these maps lol
Are you the guy who made a vid on you tube? Anyway this is awesome. Can I make one on like standoff or rats nest where you can make elites w/ spartans and spartans w/ spartans?
yes I made the video's on youtube. Also it wont really matter to much I mean yes its cool for scenery and stuff like that but its better on Foundry because its a blank square
Can you give more of a description? I don't really understand what this is...at all... Is this a map that's only for screenshots? -_-
Yes it is for screen shots only. In this map an elite and a spartan need to get on the turrets and they can fuse the helmets together. Also if you got a 3rd person in there you can add some effects and ect
We were trying it with elite / spartan the other day. Now that I have this I can retake the pictures!
Wow i love it! I'm glad there is elite spartan fusion .. I love the screens but i could never be bothered doing it ..
i have done this before if you go to the screen shots you will see new helmets that is it also i would say this isn't a map
It might not be a full fledged map but it is a map for screen shots but a map none the less. Also the mods didn't seem to have a problem at all with the last fusion map