Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone knows a good way to make an elevator. I have seen them before in some other maps but I dont really know how to make them. Any help, thanks.
Most people just go for the classic series of grav lifts. That works fine for me. If your looking for something more intricate your going to have to ask someone else.
Orangeremi has a perfect example on his file share. How do I know this? Ninja powers. edit: Link - http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=17252422
he means a deployable grav lift... one you activate yourself, not one already going. check out elation, by cosmic rick in the competitive maps section for an example of what he's talking about
yes i have been wondering the same thing normally i just use grav lifts to get up to one floor if i dont want to use stairs but i want to know how to make a good pretty looking elevator
WOW!! great idea, I forgot about dumpsters, I usually used a box, I am working on my 3 level ele, well I would, if my power supply didn't die, I will get a new one from Microsoft in a week. Oh, look at G043rs Hotel Zanzibar in the aesthetic section, he made a nice elevator
the way i do it. you can also find that in forge 101 section.. grav lift on floor, grav lift above on teleport node you even gain speed if you place them right
Yea I have to agree. I think that G043Rs elevator is the best one so far. It is fully automated and looks nice. I have posted the guide in the "Useful forge tricks" thread.
He is my forging buddy, and zero fox... :squirrel_grouphug: I started on a 3 lvl elevator with his concepts, then I stopped cuz my concept didn't work right and I was going to have to rebuild it. The three of us, and ferretness, have come up with some great ideas, that I cannot reveal YET.
Generally you don't need to do anything more than just place a grav lift. Using movable items (dumpsters or crates) as a platform introduces a bunch of over and underspawning issues, since the items are 'disturbed' just during normal use. In Elation, I wanted the elevators to be a quick escape for anyone who needed them right then, and by introducing the crates, there's only 1 person who can go up at a time, since the crate blocks the passage. I'd suggest making sure the elevator's not the only way up/down, because of the mentioned issues. In terms of making it, though, it depends on how tall you want it. What I did in elation was set up a few bridges and walls as a sleeve for the crates. I used upturned double boxes to make sure the sleeve was perfectly vertical. I capped off the top of the elevators with floating weapon holders, so that they don't do that grav-lift bouncy thing at the top. And finally, you should make sure your elevator entrances are relatively protected. Explosions can move the operating objects (crates, etc.) to a point where they'll get stuck when used. Receiver nodes and weapon holders work wonders here, as the crates can't pass through them, but players can. Hope all that helps.