Elevation 1.2 Created by xW0mbatEv0lvedx Supported Gametypes: For best results combine with Slayer, infection, free for all[br] This is one of my favourite creations because of its design that mixes a good looking map with a well designed that has brilliant gameplay and compliments the skills and tactics of experienced players .Complex and dense slayer map with map control playing style. Perfect for competitive games but is fun for casual playing. Amazing with infection custom games but mostly used for slayer. Plenty of frag and tag points for those of us who like to dispatch enemies quickly. enjoy wombat _________________________________________________ Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3 Screenshot 4 Screenshot 5 _________________________________________________ Give it a download, i think you'll be pleasantly supprised. If you get a few of your friends together and have a game of slayer im sure you'll enjoy it. Hope you all enjoy as much as i have. cheers wombat Download Elevation 1.2 ....please
your right this does look pretty good but i'm a bit iffy about the shield doors pleaz explain 'em oh and i will dl
i used the shield doors to help give cover to areas which previously had little cover and made it easy to get killed from above. They also add an extra dimension of play that worked well under testing. test it out after DL(preferably 3on 3 or 4on 4 slayer) and tell me how it goes, thanks for the feedback, cheers wombat
i have had a look (not a game) and here is what i found the general layout of the map works and you say the shield doors are needed so i will take your word on that, there are a few things i don't understand like the mancannon and the grav lift on the stairs because they don't seem to serve any real purpose, and i think you should have placed the power ups and the sword differently but since i have'nt played this map they may work where they are that is just my opinion
ok. the man cannonn is used to get from one side of the map over to rocket spawn on the other side of the map, so it is more accessible to you if your on the lower level(giving you a better chance of getting power weapon control which inturn gives you a better chance of regaining map control). Secondly, the grav lift is there for a reason. if you actually jump on it and run forwards, it takes you onto a little platform at the top of the map. from there you can use it to gain the high ground by assaulting the people on top. Try it again and imagine how these features work, i hope ive cleared things up. Any feedback is good so cheers, wombat