Set for Slayer and Koth variants, 4-8 players recommended (try multi team on this, seriously). Hello again Forgehub, hopefully now that I enjoy the current Halo game, I'll stick around this time. I figured that I could attempt a remake for this Forgotten Treasures competition, so I made a map I thought not many would attempt and is one of my favorite maps from Halo 3 (I am serious when i say this). I loved Epitaph, it was a really different map and was one of my top choices whenever I would dive into the multi team playlist. I had not realized how much i missed this map until I started forging Elegy and now I'm pretty happy with the finished product. Elegy is not without its flaws though, the only problem anyone would ever bring up was the issue of framerate lag, and trust me, it was brought up a LOT. I was able to replace some objects to reduce my item usage here and there but it was not a good enough solution, so out of desperation I had done something kind of drastic... All the objects on Elegy that create shadows are now set to spawn in 2 seconds after the lighting generates... So essentially no dynamic lighting. It was too much of a problem rendering all of theses shadows throughout the map, it would create lag on insane levels without this fix. So I had to remove it, no doubts in my mind, the map is now however lag freeee.... just kidding... but it's better... I promise. <3 Also, some notable changes from halo 3's Epitaph; -The Railgun is in place of Rockets (Rockets became way too effective during testing). -Speed Boost is in place of Camo (Why halo 4? Why no Camo? No one is going to pick up armor abilities when they can just change their loadouts). -The Needler is set to 90 second respawn (Now the Needler is more of a mid-tier weapon). GT: o Urban Myth o (for those looking for a download) Stay classy, forgehub. It's good to be back.
Looks nice :] I will definitely check this out, I feel Halo 3 never let Epitaph realize its full potential so perhaps a remake in Halo 4 can do so.
0mGssss erpitaph wasnT in teh Space! I enjoyed testing this baby, especially liked KOTH on here just as I did in Halo 3. Top notch buddy, I just hope we can get some larger lobby games on it. Good luck btw!
Hey it's you, good to see you forging urban iv fallen Out as well with reach haha. Anyway this puppy looks awesome best doubles map since warlock idk if you have my gt anymore or if I have yours but shoot me a fr or invite I miss the good ole days in h3
Urban Myth! Man, I remember your stuff from back in the Halo 3 days when I was a lurker around here. Your H3 maps were fantastic, and this doesn't look like it'll disappoint. I'd love to play this with you sometime, send me an invite next time you're testing?
had some framerate when looking across the entire map. normally i dont care about that, but it did affect my aiming. besides that, this is an incredible forge! ****ing great job man
I totally gave him this idea. Totally... Jk, this looks pretty sweet. This is the map I wanted to do if I was going to do a remake.
Congrats on winning FHFT3! I think you did a great job on this remake, and it plays very well. Happy forging!