I made the third sig today, and I think it's the best one yet. It's sleek, thin, less distracting, and more elegant than the other 2 I made. I won't be doing any more sigs in the next week, so if any changes have to be made, I can realize what I have to change. Image below. Opinions, thoughts and ratings, plox? EDIT: And the spartan model is made with Vanity.
Better. Simple, but it works for this I guess. IDK, its not my style, but theres not all that much wrong with it really. The size to me seems too big, look at some of the sigs on other posts, they all tend to be much smaller. Also, link the image in the post, not just your signature so that when we reply we can look at your sig without having to open another window. I'll say it again, and you will see it repeated again and again throughout the forum, look at some tutorials. I recommend the disintegrate tutorial, it is quite a good one, and has some good concepts in it. Tutorials really have a lot of value, don't avoid using them, I did for quite a time, and I realize now that was a bad idea. I still look at tutorials from time to time to see what I can gain from them, as every tutorial has something that you can use in it.